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Monitoring black-footed ferrets during reestablishment of free-ranging populations: Discussion of alternative methods and recommended minimum standards

Although the monitoring of black-footed ferret (Mustela nigripes) populations following reintroductions has not been haphazard, several ferret recovery groups since 1994 have recommended development of uniform standards prescribing minimum methods, intensities, and frequencies of monitoring that would provide data on population size, mortality More...

  • black footed ferret publication

Vegetation responses to natural regulation of elk in Rocky Mountain National Park

A quasi-experimental situation exists in Rocky Mountain National Park, where elk (Cervus elaphus) populations have increased 3-fold since 1968 following their release from artificial controls within the park. Increases in elk habitat use and decreases in deer habitat use were observed. Significant increases in cover of mosses and lichens occurred More...

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Bison in Yellowstone National Park

A study overview related to the role of the National Bison Range in the long-term management of Federal bison herds. This research will provide the data necessary to assess the impacts of management actions implemented under the new management plan, and examine the plan`s underlying assumptions regarding demographic responses of the Yellowstone More...

  • bison grazing