City of Chattanooga
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<% Dim EmailReplyTo Dim checkbox Dim UserName Dim Counter Dim UserComment Dim QuestionType(15) Dim EmailTo Dim MailCC EmailReplyTo=request.form("Email") UserComment=request.form("Comment") UserName=request.form("Name") IF EmailReplyTo <> "" THEN if (UserName = "") then UserName = EmailReplyTo else UserName = "(" & EmailReplyTo & ") " & Username end if EmailTo = ";" For Counter = 1 to 15 step 1 QuestionType(Counter - 1) = request.form("c" & Counter) Next if (QuestionType(0) = "ON" OR QuestionType(1) = "ON" OR QuestionType(3) = "ON") then 'General Question Or Comment, Mayor's Office, City Services checkbox = checkbox & "Mayor's Office, " MailCC = MailCC + ";" end if if (QuestionType(2) = "ON") then ' City Council checkbox = checkbox & "City Council, " MailCC = MailCC + ";" end if if (QuestionType(4) = "ON") then ' Career Opportunities checkbox = checkbox & "Personnel, " MailCC = MailCC + ";" end if if (QuestionType(5) = "ON") then ' Fire Department EmailTo = EmailTo + ";" checkbox = checkbox & "Fire Department, " end if 'MICHELE if (QuestionType(6) = "ON") then ' Neighborhood Services checkbox = checkbox & "Neighborhood Services, " MailCC = MailCC + ";" end if if (QuestionType(7) = "ON") then ' PRAC checkbox = checkbox & "Parks and Rec, " MailCC = MailCC + ";" end if if (QuestionType(8) = "ON") then ' Police Department EmailTo = EmailTo + ";" checkbox = checkbox & "Police Department, " end if if (QuestionType(9) = "ON") then ' Public Works checkbox = checkbox & "Public Works, " MailCC = MailCC + ";" end if if (QuestionType(10) = "ON") then ' Purchasing Office checkbox = checkbox & "Purchasing Office, " MailCC = MailCC + ";" end if if (QuestionType(11) = "ON") then ' Web Related checkbox = checkbox & "Website Information Services), " MailCC = MailCC + ";" end if if (QuestionType(12) = "ON") then 'City Court checkbox = checkbox & "City Court, " MailCC = MailCC + ";" end if if (QuestionType(13) = "ON") then 'Education, Arts, and Culture checkbox = checkbox & "Education Arts and Culture, " MailCC = MailCC + ";" end if if (EmailTo <> "") then Set objMail = CreateObject("CDONTS.NewMail") objMail.From = "Chattanooga.Gov Webmail" objMail.Value("Reply-To") = EmailReplyTo objMail.To = EmailTo objMail.CC = MailCC + ";" MessageBody = "When replying to this message you should use the reply-to all function. " MessageBody = MessageBody & " This will allow others to know that the user has been responded to." MessageBody = messageBody & vbCRLF & vbCRLF & UserName & " stated in a comment to " & checkbox & vbCRLF & vbCRLF & UserComment objMail.Body = MessageBody objMail.Subject = "Comment from " & UserName objMail.Send Set objMail = Nothing end if response.write(EmailReplyTo) response.write("

Thank you for your comment.") response.write(" Your message is being routed to the appropriate personnel. They should respond to your comment shortly.

") response.write("

") ELSE %>

You may contact the Mayor or Council using the following addresses and phone numbers:

City of Chattanooga
Office of the Mayor
City Hall Suite 100
101 E. 11th Street
Chattanooga, TN 37402
Telephone (423) 757-5152

Chattanooga City Council
1000 Lindsay Street
Chattanooga, TN 37402-4233
Telephone (423) 757-5196
Fax (423) 757-4857


If you have an Open Records Request, pleave visit our Open Records Page

Or you may send a message to the Mayor, Council, or to a specific department using the form below.

What is your question or comment about? Check all that apply...

Mayor's Office
City Council
City Court
City Services
Fire Department
Questions & Comments

Neighborhood Services
Parks & Recreation
Police Department
Public Works
Purchasing Office
Web Site
Education, Arts & Culture

If you are planning to visit or move to Chattanooga, please go to the Chattanooga Convention and Visitor's Bureau site at and request an information packet.

Your Name (optional)

Your Email Address

Your question or comment


If you have any problems using this form, you can send e-mail to

<% END IF %>