City of Chattanooga
Lookup Property Tax Information

Property Tax Information System

Information from the City of Chattanooga's property tax database is now available online by making a query on owner name, business name, or street name.

Often it is better to enter a street name without the street type: "Brainerd" instead of "Brainerd Road". Just a property owner's last name can be entered, but if the first name is known, enter it second without punctuation. For example, "Washington" will display a list of property for owners whose last name is Washington; "Washington George" will display all property owned by anyone named George Washington.

For more information, please visit our Treasurer's Office page or Property Tax Frequently Asked Questions page.

For Steet Name searches of streets with a single digit name, such as 3RD or 5TH, you must begin with a space. Example: For 5TH St enter " 5TH". For Personality Tax Searches by Number, Use the Tax Map Number search below. The first box must contain the letters "PER" only. The second block must be blank and the third block should contain only the numbers.

Search by Tax Map Number - -
Search by either Owner Name, Business Name or Street Name

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