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Albuquerque - Official City Website

Residential Building Permits

residential permitsThe Building Safety division of the Planning Department handles most of the building permit process. Outlined below are the steps necessary for the construction of a residential home within Albuquerque.

Residential Building Permit Application Backsheet [pdf, 44k]

Procedures for building a single-family dwelling:

  • permit process begins with submission of two sets of plans, specifications and computations to the City
  • permits specialist places information sheet on plans
  • address verification specialist establishes legal address
  • cashier collects plan check fees, flood plain ordinance fee
  • document locator distributes plans to:
    • Zoning Review: approves or rejects plans for compliance with Zoning Code and Zoning Auxiliary Ordinances, establishes park dedication fee
    • International Building Code Review: approves or rejects plans for compliance with building code: plumbing, mechanical, electrical, and Energy Conservation Code
    • Hydrology: determines if building is in a flood plain—if so, floodproofing is required
  • document locator phones designer to notify that City Plan Check Process has been completed
  • designer reviews plans for comments by three (3) step technical plan reviewers, corrects plans, presents plans to each city agency for approval sign-off
  • document locator verifies and coordinates with designer that all approvals are secured
  • designer notifies contractor that all approvals have been made and building permit is ready to be issued
  • contractor comes to Plaza Del Sol Permit Center, located at 600 2nd St. NW, and requests permit issuance from permit specialist
  • permit specialist completes building permit form, writes inspection report card, issues one set of plans to contractor, verifies contractor's state license
  • permit specialist directs contractor to cashier for collection of building permit fee
  • cashier collects building permit fee (park dedication fee, if applicable), verifies contractor's City Occupation Tax payment, issues building permit
  • contractor begins construction of building and calls for necessary interim inspections during construction progression (foundation, framing, plumbing, mechanical, eletrical, insulation, structural, fire protection, etc.)
  • inspectors (building, mechanical, plumbing, electrical) ensure that building is constructed in accordance with approved plans during construction progression
  • contractor requests certificate of occupancy after all green tags have been secured
  • records specialist coordinates approvals with all City agencies and prepares certifcate of occupancy
  • certificate of occupancy is issued, verifying compliance with City codes and ordinances
  • building homeowners take beneficial occupancy of completed building

The Building Safety division is located on the Garden Level of the Plaza Del Sol building at 600 2nd St NW. The office is open during regular business hours Monday through Friday. For more information, contact the Building Safety division at (505)924-3304.

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