Brookhaven National Laboratory

Occupational Safety & Health Management System


OHSAS 18001
Occupational Health & Safety Assessment Series

Brookhaven National Laboratory is dedicated to providing a healthy and safe work environment for employees, contractors and visitors. To help achieve this goal, the OHSAS 18001 (Occupational Health and Safety Assessment Series) specifications have been used to develop a comprehensive Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) management system, a vital part of the BNL Integrated Safety Management (ISM) program.

BNL commitments to implement, maintain and continually improve an OSH management system that: clearly states occupational health and safety policies, programs and objectives appropriate for BNL operations; identifies occupational health and safety risks and legal requirements; takes a proactive approach to occupational health and safety risks and involves employees in the development and implementation of procedures; controls or eliminate risks to prevent accidents; monitors occupational health and safety system performance; and ensures continual reviews, evaluation, and improvement of the system.

OHSAS 18001 program is compatible with the ISO 14001 Environmental Management System (EMS) standard and ISM.            

Links to Objectives, Risk Assessments, Management Reviews, & supporting documentation of line organizations:

4.2  OH&S Policy

Environmental, Safety, Security, and Health (ESSH) Policy

4.3  Planning

4.3.1  Planning for hazard identification, risk assessment and risk control:  BNL Site Hazard and Control List [doc]

4.3.2  Legal and other requirements SME Procedures:  Safety Engineering [doc] | Industrial Hygiene [pdf]

4.3.3  Objectives:  Site Level ESH Objectives : FY2008 [doc]

4.3.4  OSH Management Programs:  SBMS Management Systems and Subject Areas | OHSAS 18001 Subject Area

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4.4  Implementation & Operation

4.4.1  Structure and Responsibility

4.4.2  Training, Awareness and Competence

4.4.3  Consultation and Communication

4.4.5  Document and data control:  Site Level Guidance on OSH Document and Records [doc]

4.4.6  Operational Control: Site Level Facility Risk Assessments (FRA) and Job Risk Assessments (JRA)

4.4.7  Emergency Preparedness and Response:   Emergency Response Procedures

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4.5  Checking & Corrective Action

4.5.1  Performance measurement and monitoring

  • OSH Assessment Schedule for FY08 [doc]: Industrial Hygiene Schedule | Safety Engineering (to be developed)
  • OSH Program Area Guidance Cards [doc]: 

Industrial Hygiene: [FY08 Assessments in Bold]: Asbestos; Beryllium; Biosafety in Research; Bloodborne Pathogens; Chemicals; Confined Spaces; Ergonomics; Exhaust Ventilation; Heat Stress; Indoor Air Quality; Lasers; Lead; Noise; Non-Ionizing Radiation; Personal Protective Equipment; Respiratory Protection; Static Magnetic Fields; 10CFR851 IH Program; Assessment Record

Safety Engineering topics for FY08: Annual:  Facility Hazard Categorization, Interlock Safety, Lock-out/Tag-out, Nuclear Criticality Safety, Shelter-In-Place: Periodic: Aviation, Compressed Gas, Hazard Analysis, Machine Shop Safety, Piping System Identification, Pressure Safety, Readiness Evaluation, Tier 1 Inspection

4.5.2  Accidents, Incidents, Non-conformance and Corrective and Preventative Action 

See  OHSAS 18001 Program Scope

4.5.3  Records and Records Management:  BNL Site Specific Records Retention Schedule | Site Level Guidance on OSH Document and Records

4.5.4  OSH Internal Audits

4.5.4  External OHSAS Audits:  2007 Site Re-registration Audit Report [pdf] 

4.6  OHS Management Reviews  BNL Site Level

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Last Modified: September 15, 2008
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