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  CAOC Council

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• Executive Committee
Council Management Staff
  Senior Procurement Executives

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  Executive Committee Printer Friendly  
  Council Officers
  Executive Chair
  Mr. Clay Johnson, III
  Deputy Director for Management
  Office of Management & Budget
  Eisenhower Executive Office Bldg.
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
  Washington, DC 20502
  Office Phone: 202-395-3841
  Fax: 202-456-5938
  Executive Director
  Ms. Lesley Field
  Deputy Administrator, Office of Federal Procurement Policy
  Office of Management & Budget
  725 17th Street, NW
  Washington, DC 20503
  Office Phone: 202-395-4761
  Fax: 202-395-5105
  Vice Chair
  Mr. Thomas A. Sharpe, Jr.
  Senior Procurement Executive & Deputy Chief Acquisition Officer
  Department of the Treasury
  1500 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
  Washington, DC 20220
  Office Phone: 202-622-1039
  Fax: 202-622-2273
  Acquisition Committee for E-Government Return to the Top
  Mr. Glenn G. Perry
  Senior Procurement Executive
  Department of Education
 400 Maryland Avenue, SW
 Washington, DC 20202
  Office Phone: 202-358-0232
  Fax: 202-401-0006
  Ms. Debra E. Sonderman
  Director, Office of Acquisition and Property Management and Senior Procurement Executive
  Department of the Interior
 1849 C Street, NW
Mail Stop 2607
 Washington, DC 20240
  Office Phone: 202-208-6352
  Fax: 202-219-4244
  Acquisition Workforce Return to the Top
  Mr. Martin Brown
  Deputy Assistant Secretary, Acquisition Management & Policy
 Department of Health & Human Services
 200 Independence Avenue, SW
Room 328E
 Washington, DC 20201
  Office Phone: 202-690-8554
  Fax: 202-690-6902
  Commercial Services Management Return to the Top
  Position Vacant
  Emergency Response & Recovery Return to the Top
  Mr. Thomas Essig
  Chief Procurement Officer
 Department of Homeland Security
 245 Murray Lane, SW
Building 410, Room 3114-6
 Washington, DC 20528
  Office Phone: 202-447-5300
  Fax: 202-447-5310
  Interagency Acquisitions Return to the Top
  Mr. Mathew Blum
  Associate Administrator, Office of Federal Procurement Policy
  Office of Management & Budget
 725 17th Street, NW
New Executive Office Building, Room 9013
 Washington, DC 20503
  Office Phone: 202-395-4953
  Fax: 202-395-5105
  Project Management Return to the Top
  Mr. William P. McNally
  Assistant Administrator for Procurement
 National Aeronautics & Space Administration
 300 E Street, SW
 Washington, DC 20546
  Office Phone: 202-358-2090
  Fax: 202-358-3082
  Small Business Contracting Return to the Top
  Ms. Karen Hontz
 Counselor to the Administrator
  Small Business Administration
 409 Third Street, SW
 Washington, DC 20416
  Office Phone: 202-205-6573
  Fax: 202-481-2845
  Strategic Sourcing Return to the Top
  Mr. Thomas A. Sharpe, Jr.
 Senior Procurement Executive & Deputy Chief Acquisition Officer
  Department of the Treasury
 1500 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
 Washington, DC 20220
  Office Phone: 202-622-1039
  Fax: 202-622-2273
  Members At-Large Return to the Top
  Mr. Shay D. Assad
 Director, Defense Procurement & Acquisition Policy
  Department of Defense
 3060 Defense Pentagon
Room 3B855
 Washington, DC 20301-3060
  Office Phone: 703-695-7145
  Fax: 703-693-1142
  Mr. Theodore S. Haddad
 Chief Acquisition Officer
  General Services Administration
 1800 F Street, NW
Room 4040
 Washington, DC 20405
  Office Phone: 202-501-1043
  Fax: 202-501-1986
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