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CCS: About CCS

The National Center for Computational Sciences (NCCS) was founded in 1992 to advance the state of the art in high-performance computing (HPC) by bringing a new generation of parallel computers out of the laboratory and into the hands of the scientists who could most use them. It is a managed activity of the Advanced Scientific Computing Research (ASCR) program of the DOE Office of Science (DOE-SC), and is located at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory.

The NCCS is a collaboration of the DOE-SC and a world-class team from national laboratories, research institutions, computing centers, universities and vendors. It evaluates and deploys technology designed to maximize the performance of scientific applications, and engages the scientific and engineering communities for the purpose of advancing science and technology research in our Nation. To accomplish this, the NCCS has developed and implemented a three-pronged strategy of building and engaging the research communities to:

  1. define the critical computational needs,
  2. work with the manufacturers of HPC resources to express and meet these needs, and
  3. develop the tools and algorithms to best take advantage of the HPC resources.

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Updated: Friday, 21-Oct-2005 15:53:36 EDT