A child under age five with a hearing aide.A female student in a cap and gown proudly holding up her diploma.An actual VESID male consumer who is now working as a bus driver (shown here behind the wheel of a bus).

The Mission of the Office of Vocational and Educational Services for Individuals with Disabilities (VESID) is to promote educational equity and excellence for students with disabilities while ensuring that they receive the rights and protection to which they are entitled; assure appropriate continuity between the child and adult services systems; and provide the highest quality vocational rehabilitation and independent living services to all eligible persons as quickly as those services are required to enable them to work and live independent, self-directed lives.

Services Provided by VESID

  • Vocational Rehabilitation Services
    VESID starts with the presumption that all persons with disabilities can benefit from vocational rehabilitation services and should have opportunities to work in jobs integrated within their communities. Counselors guide individuals through service programs they need to reach their employment goals. Services may include vocational assessment, vocational counseling, assistance with transition from school to the world of work, job training and placement, job follow-up, and other services to support the individual's employment objectives. VESID ensures that both the individual and the employer are satisfied with the placement and will intervene if problems occur once an individual is placed in a job. In providing these services, VESID works with the business community, as well as an extensive vocational rehabilitation provider system, other agencies, labor organizations, and schools. These are described in our Adult Services.
  • Special Education for Students with Disabilities – Ages 3-21
    The Special Education offices of VESID, Policy, Quality Assurance Monitoring, and School Improvement/Technical Assistance, work with school districts, approved preschool and school-age programs, providers of services, parents, advocates, etc, to ensure that students with disabilities receive the services necessary and required by law and regulation to allow access to the general education curriculum and work to meet the same standards as students without disabilities. These offices, along with various funded technical assistance networks and centers, provide guidance and resources to assist in the continuity and improvement of services to students with disabilities across New York State.
  • Independent Living Services
    In addition, VESID administers 39 Independent Living Centers across New York State. Independent Living Centers are private, community-based, consumer managed, nonresidential organizations that assist individuals with disabilities to live more independently in their communities. The location of the Independent Living Center nearest you can be found in our Directory of Independent Living Centers.


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