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Disability Resources


The sponsor of each non-DOI site below is identified, but no endorsement of outside organizations or opinions is implied. DOI assumes no responsibility for the content of non-DOI sites.

  1. The ADA Technical Assistance Program, is a federally funded network of grantees which provides information, training, and technical assistance to businesses and agencies with duties and responsibilities under the ADA. Good list of disability related Federal Register Notices.
  2. OPM Guidance for People with Disabilities, explains competitive and selective placement, disabled veteran's programs, and workplace accommodations, as well as sources for additional information.
  3. Project ABLE is a national resume bank of qualified job-ready individuals. The resume bank operates through the joint efforts of the Office of Personnel Management (OPM), Social Security Administration (SSA), Rehabilitation Services Administration, Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) and State Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) agencies.
  4. Accessible Technology Center, ATC is DOI's new facility to support employees with disabilities by determining the appropriate assistive technology and ergonomic solutions for the individual. The ATC has 4 workstations available for hands-on demonstrations of assistive technologies, each featuring products that provide accommodations for a particular category of disability.
  5. Organizations for People with Disabilities, sponsored by Yahoo, lists 160 links.
  6. Disability Links. More than 500 links, grouped by specific disability categories, supported by Yahoo.
  7. Disability Network. There are twenty different web sites; over 1000 web pages, over 5000 links, and over 1000 famous people with disabilities, supported by Paul Cannady.
  8. WebABLE! is a directory for disability-related internet resources, listing hundreds of internet based resources on accessibility, a project of the Yuri Rubinsky Insight Foundation.
  9. American Disabled for Attendant Programs Today (ADAPT), is fighting so people with disabilities can live in the community with real supports instead of being locked away in nursing homes and other institutions.
  10. Reference List on Web Accessibility addresses accessibility on many levels, in partnership with the many other organizations around the world which are committed to ensuring that this new technology is accessible to all. It is sponsored by the Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) at the World Wide Web Consortium.
  11. Accessible Web Page Design provides step by step instructions for building an accessible web site, sponsored by Starling Access Services. Similarly, Electronic Curbcuts: How to Build an Accessible Web Site, lists helpful software developers, sites on web page design, and examples of accessible code, and is sponsored by Leslie Campbell and Cynthia Waddell.
  12. Bobby is a web-based public service that analyzes web pages for their accessibility to people with disabilities as well as their compatibility with various browsers, offered by CAST (Center for Applied Special Technology).
  13. The Architectural and Transportation Barriers Compliance Board, also known as the U.S. Access Board, is as the only independent federal agency whose primary mission is accessibility for people with disabilities.
  14. The National Center on Accessibility (NCA) is a program of Indiana University's Department of Recreation and Park Administration in cooperation with the U.S. National Park Service, Office on Accessibility.
  15. The National Council on Disability (NCD) is an independent federal agency making recommendations to the President and Congress on issues affecting 54 million Americans with disabilities. NCD is composed of 15 members appointed by the President and confirmed by the U.S. Senate.
  16. Low Vision Gateway provides links to specialists, new tools and technology, bookstores, and 20 related topic areas.
  17. Amputee-Online, the online resource for amputees, sponsored by GB Communications.
  18. Red dog Cafe, a web site where artists with disabilities can hang out.
  19. Renting Cars with Hand Controls for Disabled Drivers discusses car rental agreements and portable hand controls.
  20. Organizations for the Deaf, supported by Yahoo, lists around 50 groups.
  21. SIGNhear Communication Center is designed to teach basic American Sign Language (ASL) across the Internet, and also provides an excellent set of links regarding deaf issues.
  22. Animated Sign Language Dictionary, shows how to sign common words for the 200 most used signs, supported by Randy Stein in a ThinkQuest Project.
  23. ASL Fingerspelling Converter allows you to enter a word and see it translated with animated fingerspelling, supported by Scott Gaertner.
  24. Canadian Center of Independent Living Centres (CAILC), is a national umbrella organization which consists of local autonomous Independent Living Resource Centres (ILRCs). Each ILRC is community-based and controlled by and for persons with disabilities.


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