Our Mission

We aim to highlight the abilities of people with disabilities and to break down all types of barriers that cause handicaps and discrimination. We are committed to reducing the incidence of accident-related disabilities and helping people help themselves to become self-sufficient, lead productive lives, and improve and maintain a life style of their choice.

Who We Are

Help-Your-Self, Inc.® is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization dedicated to enhancing accessibility for people with disabilities by providing practical knowledge and tools to improve people’s potential for growth and community participation. We provide tools and services to enable independent living, community integration, reduce barriers, and educate to prevent injuries. Our staff and network of consultants have direct knowledge of disabling circumstances and experience in educating, developing, and implementing policies, and providing services supporting people with disabilities.

How We Make a Difference

Programs and policies that aim to support and help improve the quality of life of individuals with disabilities can only be effective if the outcomes match the actual needs of the stakeholders. Community integration and improvement in life quality occurs when government officials and society understand the needs of people with disabilities. Working at the local and national level with businesses, associations, government agencies, and the D.C. City Council, we link policy makers, the community, and end-users so as to implement effective programs.

Prevention of Injuries

Many Spinal Cord Injuries (SCIs) and Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBIs) can be prevented by expanding awareness, enhancing education, and increasing an individual’s visibility at night. We strive to reduce preventable life altering injuries and deaths by instilling the desire and awareness in young adults to take responsibility for their own actions, and providing them with the tools they need to make informed choices.

For Individuals

We offer information, advice, counseling, networking, and practical assistance. Our goal is to help you enhance your unique abilities and eliminate barriers that interfere with your growth, ability to live in the setting of your choice, and to affect community integration.

For Organizations

We offer consulting services designed to expand your knowledge about how to include people with disabilities amongst your audience and staff. We help eliminate architectural, program, and communication barriers, while increasing tolerance, acceptance, and productivity.

For The Community

We develop and conduct sensitivity training seminars for large and small organizations, government agencies, and family members. We believe that community integration can only occur if the community is willing to accept and understands the problems and needs of people with diverse abilities.


Since many of our services are pro-bono, contributions are needed. Please donate; any amount, small or large, improves lives. All donations are 100% applied to the programs of your choice. Help-Your-Self, Inc. (HYS) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation. Contributions are welcome, tax deductible, and are used to promote community integration, independent living and prevention of injuries.

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