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East Central Sector & Redevelopment Plan

Areas of Albuquerque that are thriving have an identity that everyone recognizes. The Nob Hill area and the Downtown area are good examples. Those identities do not just happen. They must be planned and nurtured.

Without an identity, areas tend to flounder and decompose.

  • Buildings are vacated and become homes to vagrants and drug users.
  • Crime increases.
  • Businesses that are potentially good for the area do not want to take the risk.

These problems exist in the East Central Area.

The East Gateway Sector Plan

With the development of the East Gateway Sector Plan, Councilor Harris is trying to implement the following through Bill No. R-06-172:

  • Recognize the area's strengths.
  • Create a "high-tech” identity.
  • Encourage all new businesses and construction to adhere to the same design standards.
    • New businesses can safely invest in the area with the assurance that the quality of the area will be maintained or improved

The East Gateway a Past, Present, and Future Important to Us All

Councilor Harris' vision is to guide new businesses in the area so that the East Central area can be as attractive to commercial and residential development as Nob Hill and Downtown. He wants to encourage all residents, businesses and property owners to contribute their ideas for the area so it will represent everyone’s vision.

The MRA and Sector Plan Area are anchored around Historic Route 66 . These planning areas are centrally located and adjacent to the Kirtland Air Force Base which includes Sandia National Laboratories , the City of Albuquerque's largest employer, the Sandia Technology Park , an employment center that plays a major role in building the nation's 21st century economy, and the Sandia Ranger District of the Cibola National Forest , a highly trafficked National Wilderness Area. The National Museum of Nuclear Science & History is also located adjacent to the planning areas. Councilor Harris has also started initiative to convert the Tijeras Arroyo into a Bio-Zone Preserve.

Legislation and Interim Design Guidelines

In April, the resolution R-06-18  and associated map and R-06-172  require planning for this area and instituted Interim Design Regulations.

The Interim Design Regulations were ammended in 2007 in R-07-276.

Amended Interim Development Management Area Design Regulations. These are temporary regulations put in place to make sure that construction that occurred while the plan was being developed does not work against the overall guidelines of the developing plan. The changes adopted in R-07-276 also extended the moratorium until October 31, 2008. The Attachment 1 map  refers to the proposed Metropolitan Redevelopment Area (MRA).

The legislation R-07-275  for the East Gateway Metropolitan Redevelopment Area is in front of the Council awaiting full action. The Albuquerque Development Commission has recommended approval of the MRA. The MRA boundaries chosen by the Development Commission have been modified from those represented in the Attachment 1 map.

Contact Us:

Please submit questions or comments to City Councilor Don Harris or contact Councilor Harris’s Policy Analyst, Isaac Padilla, at 768-3123.

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