Technical Activities

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"Technical Activities 2004" - Table of Contents

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Ionizing Radiation Division
The strategy for meeting this goal is to develop, maintain, and disseminate the national standards for ionizing radiation and radioactivity to meet national needs for health care, U.S. industry, and homeland security.
GOAL: To provide the
foundation of ionizing
radiation measurements
for our nation.

Strategic Focus Areas:



Radioactivity Standards  -  to develop and provide standards for radioactivity based on the SI unit, the becquerel, for homeland security, environmental, medical, and radiation protection applications.


Neutron Standards and Measurements  -  to develop and provide neutron standards and measurements needed for fundamental physics, homeland security, the hydrogen economy, worker protection, and nuclear power.


Radiation Dosimetry Standards  -  to develop dosimetric standards for x rays, gamma rays, and electrons based on the SI unit, the gray, for homeland security, medical, radiation processing, and radiation protection applications.

Radiation Dosimetry Standards:

to develop dosimetric standards for x rays, gamma rays, and electrons based on the SI unit, the gray, for homeland security, medical, radiation processing, and radiation protection applications.


The Radiation Interactions and Dosimetry Group promotes the accurate and meaningful measurements of dosimetric quantities pertaining to ionizing radiation: x rays, gamma rays, electrons, and energetic, positively charged particles. We maintain the national measurement standards for the Système International (SI) unit for radiation dosimetry, the gray.

NIST is a world leader in the measurement of high levels of absorbed dose, as required in the industrial radiation processing of materials (e.g., sterilization of single-use medical devices, food irradiation, and destruction of biological weapons). Accurate transfer dosimetry is increasingly done on the basis of alanine/EPR (Electron Paramagnetic Resonance) dosimetry, rather than radiochromic film dosimetry, which was originally developed at NIST and offered for many years as a calibration service. A new NIST system is near completion for on-demand, Internet-based e-calibrations for industry, based on alanine/EPR dosimetry.

Brachytherapy (treatment with sealed radioactive sources) has seen a tremendous increase in the use of low-energy, photon-emitting seeds to treat prostate cancer and in the use of beta-particle- (and photon-) emitting sources to inhibit arterial restenosis (re-closing) following balloon angioplasty. In both cases, NIST has responded to the needs of the manufacturers, regulators, and clinical physicists. We develop new standards and measurement methods to calibrate the quantities needed to ensure accurate dosimetry for the wide variety of sources introduced, and we disseminate these standards through a network of secondary calibration laboratories.

Nearly 700,000 cancer patients per year are treated in the U.S. with radiation beams, mainly from high-energy electron accelerators (either directly with the electrons or by converting them to high-energy x rays). NIST maintains and disseminates the standards for air kerma (exposure) and for absorbed dose to water from 60Co gamma-ray beams. These provide the basis for calibrating instruments used to measure the absorbed dose delivered in therapy beams.

Standards for diagnostic radiology are developed and maintained at NIST in terms of air kerma, for x-ray beams from 10 kV to 300 kV (x-ray source accelerating potential in kilovolts). These are disseminated to manufacturers and the medical physics community in North America through a network of secondary calibration laboratories. NIST maintains some 85 beam qualities for conventional, W-anode, x-ray beams, and 17 beam qualities for mammographic, Mo- and Rh-anode, x-ray beams.

The radiation transport and Monte Carlo methods pioneered and developed at NIST to calculate the penetration of electrons and photons in matter are used in most of the major codes today. Monte Carlo simulation is increasingly applied to problems in radiation metrology, protection, therapy, and processing as an accurate tool for designing and optimizing radiation systems and for providing important insight into processes inaccessible to measurement.


  • Assistance to U.S. Postal Service in Decontamination of Mail

    After anthrax-laced mail was delivered to media and government offices, resulting in five deaths, numerous illnesses, and enormous disruption and economic loss, we responded rapidly to identify industrial irradiation of the mail as an effective and readily available process to kill anthrax spores. Leading a task force established by the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy, we worked with the Armed Forces Radiobiology Research Institute, the U.S. Postal Service (USPS), and industrial irradiation facilities to provide critical dosimetry measurements and to validate the process.

    Based on an extensive program of Monte Carlo radiation transport calculations and accurate dosimetry measurements in a variety of mail configurations, NIST provided advice for optimizing the process parameters and developing a national strategy to effectively handle the highly variable mail and parcel stream.

    This collaboration continues, expanded to include qualitative measurements of radiolytic products produced in the mail during the irradiation, quantitative measurements of the effects on the archival properties of paper due to irradiation, and the design of a dedicated USPS mail-irradiation facility.

    CONTACT: Mr. Stephen M. Seltzer
    (301) 975-5552

  • High-Energy Computed Tomography Facility

    The 7 MeV to 32 MeV Saggataire electron linac in the NIST Medical Industrial Radiation Facility (MIRF) offers unique possibilities as an x-ray source for a high-energy computed tomography (HECT) facility. A beamline and camera are under development at MIRF to study the x-ray inspection of cargo containers, trucks, and other large objects.

    We are also carrying out theoretical and experimental investigations into neutron production in high-energy x-ray beams. It might prove possible to also use photoneutrons, produced at high photon energies, as an active probe to interrogate containers and screen for explosives and other terrorist materials.

    CONTACT: Mr. Julian H. Sparrow
    (301) 975-5578

  • Radiation Sources for Medical and Industrial Applications

        Figure 5

    Figure 5. NIST medical-therapy accelerator facility.

    In addition to a dozen gamma-ray (60Co and 137Cs) sources and five x-ray ranges, we maintain MIRF, a 4 MeV electron Van de Graff, a 500 keV electrostatic electron accelerator, and a 1 MeV to 8 MeV pulsed electron linac. These are used in a variety of radiation applications such as material modification, radiation-hardness testing, electron- and bremsstrahlung-beam dosimetry, and HECT development.

    New accelerator facilities, incorporating machines currently used in medical and industrial applications, are bringing our programs to the forefront of research and development. Installation of a 6 MeV to 20 MeV electron-beam (6 MV and 18 MV bremsstrahlung-beam) Varian Clinac 2100C to support the development of direct, therapy-level dosimetry calibrations has been completed. (See Fig. 5.)

    Planning is underway for a facility based on two Titan 10 MeV, 17 kW electron linacs, donated by the U.S. Postal Service, to support the standards and calibrations program for homeland security applications, general industrial radiation processing, and the study of radiation effects in materials.

    CONTACT: Dr. Fred B. Bateman
    (301) 975-5580

  • Calibration of Low-Energy Photon Brachytherapy Sources

        Figure 6

    Figure 6. Close-up view of a seed (illuminated by a laser), mounted vertically on a rotating post, ready for calibration on the WAFAC calibration range.

    Small radioactive "seed" sources used in prostate brachytherapy, containing the radionuclide 103Pd, 125I, or 131Cs, are calibrated in terms of air-kerma strength using the NIST Wide-Angle Free-Air Chamber (WAFAC). The WAFAC is an automated, free-air ionization chamber with a variable volume, allowing corrections to be made for passage of the beam through non-air-equivalent electrodes. Over 500 seeds of 32 different designs, from 18 manufacturers, have been calibrated using the WAFAC since 1999. (See Fig. 6.)

    On-site characterization at seed manufacturing plants for quality control, as well as at therapy clinics for treatment planning, relies on well-ionization chamber measurements. Following the primary standard measurement of air-kerma strength, the responses of several well-ionization chambers to the various seed sources are determined. The ratio of air-kerma strength to well-chamber response yields a calibration coefficient for the well-ionization chamber for a given seed type. Such calibration coefficients enable well-ionization chambers to be employed at therapy clinics for verification of seed air-kerma strength, which is used to calculate dose rates to ensure effective treatment planning.

    To verify that seeds of a given design calibrated at NIST are representative of the majority of those calibrated in the past, several additional tests have been implemented. The distribution of radioactive material within a seed is mapped using radiochromic film contact exposures. The in-air anisotropy of seeds is studied by taking WAFAC and x-ray spectrometry measurements at discrete rotation angles about the long axis and the axis perpendicular to the midpoint of the long axis of the seed, respectively. The "air-anisotropy ratio," calculated from the results of angular x-ray measurements, has proven to be a useful parameter for explaining differences in well-chamber response observed for different seed models having the same emergent spectrum on their transverse axis.

    CONTACT: Dr. Michael G. Mitch
    (301) 975-5491

First strategic focus   |   Second strategic focus   |   Third strategic focus

"Technical Activities 2004" - Table of Contents