Argonne National Laboratory Decision and Information Sciences
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Information Sciences

Information sciences encompasses a wide spectrum of information technology systems that store, organize, and structure large-scale, complex information sources to support analysis, decision making, modeling, simulation, and dissemination. Argonne uses an interactive, rapid-prototyping process that involves customers in the production of the final system. This approach ensures that the system meets the needs of the end user.

Argonne has been a pioneer in creating prototype systems and is continuing to develop advanced and innovative information technology solutions to complex challenges faced by government and industry. These systems address both current and future challenges in information technology, including complexity, scale, wide area information dissemination, and protection/security. Argonne-developed information systems provide the architectures, interfaces, access mechanisms, and servers to large-scale and varied data sources. Our independent verification and validation expertise ensures high-quality and tested application development for advanced systems. These disciplines provide the foundations for large-scale data management, data warehousing, mining, visualization, analysis, mapping, modeling, and simulation.

Focus Areas

  • Internet Technologies
  • Data Warehousing
  • Information Management and Architectures
  • Cyber Security and Information Assurance
  • Systems and Network Engineering
  • Data Acquisition Systems
  • Independent Verification and Validation
  • Geographic Information Systems
  • Emergency Management Information Systems

For more information, contact:
Craig Swietlik
Decision and Information Sciences Division
Argonne National Laboratory
9700 South Cass Ave., Bldg. 900
Argonne, IL, 60439
Phone: 630-252-8912
Fax: 630-252-5128

Related Information

Associated Projects

Atmospheric Radiation Measurement

Selected Publications

A New Retrieval for Cloud Liquid Water Path Using a Ground-Based Microwave Radiometer and Measurements of Cloud Temperature (2.92 MB PDF)

Retrievals of Atmospheric Temperature and Water Vapor Profiles in the Arctic (166 KB PDF)

Available Software

Synchronization Matrix

U.S. Department of Energy UChicago Argonne LLC Office of Science - Department of Energy
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