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Dietitians and Nutritionists of the United States Public Health Service

Recruitment Program

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Dietitian/Nutritionist Associate Recruiter Program

In response to a growing need for health professionals nationwide and in the commissioned corps, the Division of Commissioned Personnel, with the support of the Office of the Surgeon General, established the Associate Recruiter Program (APR) in July 2001. The Dietitian/Nutritionist Associate Recruiter Program is part of this program. The mission of the Dietitian Associate Recruiter Program is to recruit qualified Dietitians and other health professionals for all PHS Agencies and other affiliated Federal programs (e.g., Federal Bureau of Prisons, U.S. Coast Guard, Immigration and Naturalization Service, United States Department of Agriculture, and the Environmental Protection Agency.)

Who Can Become an Associate Recruiter

All Commissioned Corps dietitians are encouraged to join the ARP and to work toward attracting and retaining highly motivated and qualified professionals to the Corps.

What are the Duties of Associate Recruiter

Associate recruiters inform colleagues and students in the dietetic field and other health professions about professional opportunities available in the commissioned corps, provide them with up-to-date and accurate information and assistance on vacancy announcements, career progression, uniforms, and basics of becoming a Commissioned Corps officer in the U.S. Public Health Service. Drawing on their career experiences in the Corps, Associate Recruiters make recruitment presentations at professional meetings, to student groups at local schools and universities, and to individuals who are interested in learning more about the Commissioned Corps. Associate recruiters look for opportunities to inform others about the Corps, at formal and informal meetings at work, residency programs, social gatherings, and business visits.

How Can I Become an Associate Recruiter

Individuals wanting to become Associate Recruiters must complete an application enrollment form and submit three references. The documents are reviewed in the Division of Commissioned Personnel in conjunction with the Dietitian Category ARP Lead. Once the applicant is approved for the program, the new Associate Recruiter will receive an official certificate, a letter of acceptance by the Chief Professional Officer, an Associate Recruiter manual, and a badge. The enrollment form, reference forms and other information can be found at:

Associate Recruiter program
ARP Enrollment Application Form
ARP References Form

Please e-mail, fax or US mail your Enrollment and Reference forms to:
CDR Steve Blackwell
Recruitment Specialist
Division of Commissioned Corps Recruitment, OCCO
1101 Wooton Parkway
Suite 100
Rockville, MD 20852
Fax: 240-453-6057

Requirement to Maintain Associate Recruiter Status

Individual must complete two recruitment activities per year to maintain Associate Recruiter Status. The recruitment activities are reported to the PHS ARP Coordinator. Examples of recruitment activities are making presentation to student groups (high school or college/universities), professional meetings and conferences, individual (via phone, written correspondence or in person), and job/college fair. These contacts can be formal or informal.

Dietitian/Nutritionist Category Lead is:

LCDR Kari Blasius

Associate Recruiters for Dietitian/Nutritionist Category

Peggy Barrow

Sandra Farley

Celia Hayes

Sandra Magera

Carma Pauli

Shirley Turpin

Kristen Warwar

Graydon Yatabe
IHS/Chinle, AZ

Information about the PHS Commissioned Corps

Please visit the U.S. Public Health Service Commissioned Corp website for information about the corps, professional and student opportunities, benefits and application process,

recruitment and mentoring sub-committee Return to D/N PAC

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Last updated, May 2006