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Data Systems

Send us your data quality finding.

Value-Added Products (VAPs)

VAP Status

Showcase Data Sets

The following data products represent "best estimates" derived from several instruments and/or VAPS.

We are interested in your feedback for these products. Contact us or call 1-888-ARM-DATA.

Status Report

A report, ARM Value Added Product (VAP) Status Report, is available with further details on the status of VAPs in development.

Many of the scientific needs of the ARM Program are met through the analysis and processing of existing data products into "value-added" products or VAPs. Despite extensive instrumentation deployed at the ARM sites, there will always be quantities of interest that are either impractical or impossible to measure directly or routinely. Physical models using ARM instrument data as inputs are implemented as VAPs and can help fill some of the unmet measurement needs of the Program. Conversely, ARM produces some VAPs not in order to fill unmet measurement needs, but instead to improve the quality of existing measurements. In addition, when more than one measurement is available, ARM also produces "best estimate" VAPs. A special class of VAP called a Quality Measurement Experiment (QME) does not output geophysical parameters of scientific interest. Rather, a QME adds value to the input data streams by providing for continuous assessment of the quality of the input data based on internal consistency checks, comparisons between independent similar measurements, or comparisons between measurement with modeled results, and so forth.

ARM VAP Processes

External VAP Processes