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Pervasive Computing will be accomplished through interdisciplinary, multi-faceted technology developments in the areas of:

  • Information access
  • Text retrieval
  • Multimedia document retrieval
  • Automatic indexing
  • Pervasive devices
  • Palm top computers
  • Smart badges
  • Electronic books
  • User sensitive devices
  • Mobility and networking
  • Device discovery
  • Wireless protocols
  • Security
  • Voice and video over IP
  • Perceptive interfaces
  • Biometric person ID
  • Speech recognition
  • Gesture recognition

Pervasive Computing Technology

Pervasive Computing: The next great computing paradigm shift to pervasive computing is already well under way, and will have no less of an impact on industry, government and daily life than the personal computing revolution. Pervasive computing refers to the emerging trend toward numerous, easily accessible computing devices connected to an increasingly ubiquitous network infrastructure. This trend will likely create new opportunities and challenges for the Information Technology (IT) companies to place high-performance computers and sensors in virtually every device, appliance, and piece of equipment in buildings, homes, workplaces, and factories, and even in clothing. Within five years vendors will offer portable and embedded devices containing low-cost systems-on-a-chip (SOC) that include enough CPU, memory, and input/output logic to support execution of complex software applications interconnected via pico-cellular wireless communications. Pervasive computing will require a revolution in human-computer interaction and information access technologies for interacting with small, distributed, and often embedded devices which must present a unified interface to users. Failure to exploit these new technologies may be costly to U.S. IT companies. ITEO funds R&D projects that fall between basic research and product development.

Please contact:

Dr. Omid M. Omidvar
Tel: (301) 975-4401

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Date Created: June 1996
Last Update: April 12, 2005

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