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Highlights from ATP's Economic Studies

1.B.2:   ATP Improves Your Health and Quality of Life
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ATP Is Saving the Lives of Cancer Patients and Reducing Their Pain

  • A desktop-size, first-of-its-kind, bioreactor grows stem cells (Aastrom Biosciences) and:
    • Produces clinically useful quantities of cells from small amounts of bone marrow and umbilical cord blood
    • Is useful for a broad range of cellular therapies (e.g., leukemia, lymphoma, and lung, breast, and colon cancer)
    • Is less invasive, less painful, and less costly.

ATP is making future detection of breast cancer more affordable for routine use

  • ATP enabled a next generation, all-digital mammography system (GE Medical Systems) that will:
    • Reach increased market penetration faster
    • Produce fast and acurate mammograms at lower cost
    • Make routine use more affordable
    • Lead to improved medical outcomes, including saving lives.

ATP Is Paving the Way for Organ Transplantation (livers, kidneys, and other organs)

  • Genetic engineering and animal cloning techniques (Revivicor, formerly PPL Therapeutics) are:
    • Accelerating organ transplantation using animal tissue that the body won't reject
    • Meeting acute need for livers, hearts, and other organs.

ATP Is Accelerating New Drug Discovery

  • New automated processes for analyzing how genes and proteins function (Curagen).
  • Fully-automated DNA-sequencing technology (GeneTrace).
  • New mathematical software is speeding up drug discovery (Molecular Simulations).

ATP Is Improving Orthopedic Care

  • A new bioabsorbable polymer (Integra LifeSciences) derived from tyrosine for medical implants:
    • Does not adversely affect tissue or bone, or emit toxic substances when it degrades
    • Is dissolvable and absorbable by the body
    • Eliminates the need for a second surgical removal
    • Is useful for orthopedic, weight-bearing devices such as large surgical screws for repairing cartilage damage by attaching soft tissue to bone in the knee or shoulder
    • May help in preventing some types of degenerative arthritic diseases.

Factsheet 1.B2 (September 2001)

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