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NIST GCR 02-830 (Cover)

NIST GCR 02-830
Measuring the Impact of ATP-Funded Research Consortia on Research Productivity of Participating Firms

A Framework Using Both U.S. and Japanese Data

Prepared for
Economic Assessment Office
Advanced Technology Program

National Institute of Standards and Technology
Gaithersburg, MD 20899-4710


Mariko Sakakibara
Anderson Graduate School of Management
University of California, Los Angeles
Lee Branstetter
Columbia Business School

Grant 56SBNB760338
November 2002
View PDF version of NIST GCR 02-830.

    Executive Summary

  • The Impact of Consortia Participation on the Overall Research Productivity of Firms
  • The Impact of Participation at the Consortium Level
  • The Impact of Consortia Participation on Firm-Consortium Pairs
  • Additional Work Using Japanese Data
  • Results and Implications
  • Limitations of the Study and Issues for Further Analysis
  • Database Construction

1. Introduction

2. Brief Background of Study

3. Overall Benefits from Research Consortia

  • Methodology
  • Data
  • Results
  • Implications

4. Effects of Consortium Characteristics on Consortium Performance

  • Methodology
  • Dependent Variable
  • Independent Variables
  • Model
  • Results
  • Implications

5. Firm Characteristics and Outcomes

  • Methodology
  • Results
  • Implications

6. Lessons from Japanese Data

  • Time Path of Benefits from Consortia
  • Consortia Characteristics
  • Caveats in Applying Japanese Lessons to U.S. Consortia

7. Conclusions and Issues for Future Research

Appendix: Documentation of the Data

  1. Mapping Projects to Patent Classes
  2. Data Construction Description


Related Reading

About the Advanced Technology Program

About the Authors

Figure 1. ATP-Funded Research Consortia, Total Budget by Sector
Figure 2. Japanese R&D Consortia Total Budget by Sector
Figure 3. Alternative Specifications of the Time Path of Benefits from Japanese Data
Figure 4. Time Path of Benefits from Japanese Data with Confidence Interval

Table 1. Summary Statistics for Non-Participants and Participants of ATP-Funded Consortia
Table 2. Estimation of a Patent Production Function: Overall Effect of Participation
Table 3. Consortium-Level Analysis
Table 4. Consortium-Level Analysis: Qualitative Characteristics of Consortia
Table 5. Firm-Consortium Level Analysis
Table 6. Firm-Consortium Level Analysis: Comparison of Poisson and OLS Regression Models
Table 7. Subsidiary-Consortium Level Analysis
Table 8. Firm-Consortium Level Analysis Using Japanese Data
Table A1. Mapping of Projects to Patent Classes
Table A2. U.S. Projects and Firms in Our Data Sets

Date created: January 24, 2003
Last updated: August 2, 2005

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