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Criminal Justice Act




CJA Plan

Revised 6/25/01 - Refer to General Order 499 to review the Revised Criminal Justice Act Plan in its entirety.

CJA Panel Attorney Code of Conduct

General Order 405A outlines the qualifications for CJA panel attorneys. Attorneys are appointed once a year and serve for 2 years. Code of Conduct, pursuant to CivLR 83.4

 CJA Panel Packet

Overview of CJA procedures and Instructions

CJA Attorney Charged with a Felony

Removal from Panel. Refer to General Order 405-B.

Juror Information Available Prior to Trial

More Information Here...

CJA Panel Members   Terms Expire 11/30/08

CJA Panel Application 2008-2010

Applications due Nov 1, 2008
· CJA Panel Notice
· CJA Application (PDF version)
· CJA Application (WordPerfect version)


Appointments for El Centro Cases

 June 14, 2007 - September 28, 2007
CJA Appellate Panel  More Information Here...

CJA Appellate Panel Application 2009

 Applications due Nov 1, 2008
· CJA Appellate Panel Application
· CJA Appellate Procedures
For any questions, please contact:
Chambers of U.S. Magistrate Judge Louisa S. Porter
Telephone: (619) 557-5383

 CJA Material Witness Panel  More Information Here...