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Albuquerque - Official City Website

Major Partners

The EDD works closely with other organizations to realize mutual goals. Major partners include:

Albuquerque Convention & Visitors Bureau Leaving, click for disclaimer: A private nonprofit organization, ACVB works to bring visitors and conventions to Albuquerque. This is your source of tourism information, including events and attractions.

Albuquerque Economic Development Inc. Leaving, click for disclaimer: AED is a private, nonprofit organization that recruits business and industry to Albuquerque and helps existing economic-based companies grow. EDD contracts with AED to provide information and technical assistance. It also works with AED to bring economic-base business and jobs to the city and to support the retention and expansion of existing companies.

Albuquerque Hispano Chamber of Commerce Leaving, click for disclaimer: One of the largest Hispanic Chambers of Commerce in the United States, the Albuquerque Hispano Chamber promotes business development and workforce preparation. It offers programs and networking opportunities. AHCC is also the site of an SBA Business Information Center and a state Small Business Development Center. The City of Albuquerque contracts with AHCC to promote tourism and Convention Center bookings with Hispanic groups.

Central New Mexico Community College Leaving, click for disclaimer : CNM is New Mexico's largest and most comprehensive community college and the state’s second largest educational institution. CNM also provides customized training programs through their Workforce Training Center Leaving, click for disclaimer

Greater Albuquerque Chamber of Commerce Leaving, click for disclaimer: A business advocacy group with 2,300 members, large and small, the GACC provides programs and information for members, takes positions on issues with business impacts and offers networking events and meetings with major speakers.

Photo of the Eclipse Plane

Kirtland Partnership Committee Leaving, click for disclaimer: The City of Albuquerque is an active participant in this group, which seeks to preserve and grow Kirtland Air Force Base and the Air Force Research Laboratory.

Mid-Region Council of Governments: Leaving, click for disclaimer MRCOG brings together 21 local governments, three school districts and three water management authorities in the four-county area of Bernalillo, Sandoval, Valencia and Torrance. The organization allows a regional approach to planning in Central New Mexico.

New Mexico Department of Economic Development Leaving, click for disclaimer: The State of New Mexico participates in recruiting and growing businesses and offers a variety of programs.

New Mexico Economic Development Partnership Leaving, click for disclaimer: This is a public-private entity that serves as the recruiting arm of the state’s Economic Development Department.

Public Service Company of New Mexico Leaving, click for disclaimer: The state’s largest utility serves more than 100 communities, including Albuquerque, providing both electricity and natural gas to 1.3 million customers. PNM also helps new and expanding companies.

Sandia National Laboratories Leaving, click for disclaimer: EDD works with Sandia to develop strategies and programs, particularly in relation to technology initiatives and small-business development. With Sandia and other organizations, the EDD sponsors the annual Small Business Supplier Showcase and the Annual Iberoamerican Research and Development Summit.

Photo of Applied Technology Associates Building

Sandia Science and Technology Park Leaving, click for disclaimer: EDD helped forge the agreement between stakeholders to create this 200-acre park adjacent to Sandia National Laboratories. The City also committed to a streamlined planning and development approval process for the project and helped secure federal and state funds for the park’s development. SSTP provides a location for companies desiring a site adjoining Sandia for easy access to partnership opportunities.

Science & Technology Park @ University of New Mexico Leaving, click for disclaimer: The 163-acre park, established in 1965, has 360,000 square feet of R&D, lab, office and mixed-use space. Its tenant focus is on tech-based companies, including spinouts from the university. The park is near both UNM and TVI.

Technology Ventures Corporation Leaving, click for disclaimer: TVC, a nonprofit foundation, was founded by Lockheed Martin as a non-profit corporation to commercialize new technologies and create jobs. TVC works with individual technology companies.

University of New Mexico Leaving, click for disclaimer New Mexico’s flagship university includes a medical school and law school.  

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