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April 27, 2006

DOE Recognizes Washington Resident with President’s Volunteer Award
In Honor of National Volunteer Week

KNOXVILLE, TN – In honor of National Volunteer Week, today Department of Energy (DOE) Assistant Secretary for Environmental Management Jim Rispoli recognized Todd Martin with the President’s Volunteer Service Award, during a ceremony in Knoxville, Tennessee.  Mr. Martin is a DOE employee and an active volunteer who has devoted over 100 hours of community service as chair of the Hanford Advisory Board (HAB), providing advice and recommendations to DOE’s environmental restoration and waste management activities at the Hanford site since 2000.  Mr. Martin has also served on the Board’s Future Site Uses Working Group and the Tank Waste Task Force.
“Those honored this week set a high standard for all Americans and should be proud of their service, sacrifice and generosity.  We are very fortunate, as a nation, and the Department of Energy recognizes the importance of volunteerism.  I want to thank Todd, the volunteers honored this week and volunteers nationwide who play a key role in making this nation so great,” Secretary Bodman said.
With a Bachelors and Master of Science degrees, Mr. Martin has been involved in research, writing, and advocacy activities related to DOE’s environmental management program for over 12 years.  Mr. Martin works as an independent consultant on the project management, technical, regulatory, fiscal and public involvement aspects of nuclear waste cleanup at Hanford and other DOE Sites.  In addition to his volunteer service to the Hanford Board, Mr. Martin is a member of the Citizens for a Clean Eastern Washington.  He is also a member of the League of Women Voters and lives in Northport, Washington. 
As part of a broader effort to recognize individuals in honor of National Volunteer Week, Secretary of Energy Samuel W. Bodman and senior DOE leadership traveling the country this week, will present a total of 14 DOE employees with the President’s Volunteer Award.  
President George W. Bush has called on all Americans to volunteer two years or 4,000 hours over the course of their lifetime. Through the USA Freedom Corps, President Bush wants to help every American answer the Call to Service by strengthening and expanding service opportunities to protect our homeland, support our communities and extend American compassion around the world.  Interested volunteers can find information on the USA Freedom Corps at http://www.freedomcorps.gov/ or by calling 1-877-USA-CORPS.

Media contact(s):
Craig Stevens, (202) 586-4940


Link: The White House Link: USA.gov Link: E-gov Link: Information Quality (IQ) Link: Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)
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