The AAAS ENTRY POINT! internship program, initiated in 1996, was developed to encourage science, technology, engineering, and mathematics students with disabilities to apply their skills in a real-world professional setting. Working with partners at IBM, NASA, NSF, JPMorgan Chase, and Texas Instruments, ENTRY POINT! places high-achieving undergraduate and graduate students in paid summer internships in private industry and government agencies. Since its inception, the program has made more than 400 placements, and many of the students have converted to regular employment when they graduate. Others go on to graduate studies. The internships are particularly valuable because they offer mentoring and assistive technology which allows the entry and advancement of individuals with all types and levels of disabilities into competitive employment and research.

Students interested in finding out more about ENTRY POINT! and the NASA program, ACCESS, can begin the application process on the website www.entrypoint.org.


Roadmaps and Rampways

Roadmaps and Rampways: Profiles of Students with Disabilities in Science, Engineering, and Technology chronicles the personal and educational journeys of three dozen ENTRY POINT! students, showing how they bridged the gap between society constraints and scientific pursuits. It also shows how the students were helped by assistive technologies, supportive mentors and families, and legislation that opened higher education to people with disabilities. The book, co-authored by Virginia Stern, director of the AAAS Project on Science, Technology and Disability, and science writer Michael Woods, focuses on useful strategies for translating educational skills into the workplace. It emphasizes that no "one-size-fits-all" approach accounts for successful transitions beyond the classroom.

To order a copy of Roadmaps and Rampways, please call 1-800-222-7809. The cover price of the book is $29.95; AAAS members can purchase it at the discounted price of $23.95. For further information on the Project on Science, Technology, and Disability, please contact Virginia Stern, vstern@aaas.org or
202-326-6630 (voice/tdd).

Canon National Parks Science Scholars
Global Alliance
IT Workforce
Mass Media
Merck/AAAS Research Program
Minority Scientists Network
Roadmaps & Rampways
Science, Technology and Disability
Science Update (DACST Fellowships)
Women in Science and Engineering


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