Easter Seals: Services for Children and Adults with Disabilities and Special Needs Easter Seals Tennessee: Services for Children and Adults with Disabilities and Special Needs
Easter Seals Disability Services

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The mission of Easter Seals Tennessee is to provide exceptional services to ensure that all people with disabilities or special needs and their families have equal opportunities to live, learn, work and play in their community.

Easter Seals Tennessee client in the pool

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Easter Seals Tennessee offers quality programs for children and adults with disabilities and their families, including:
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      What's New

    Rest Area     Easter Seals Tennessee Maintains Two Rest Areas on I-40
    Attendants take care of lawn, pick up trash, clean the restrooms and answer questions. Guests use 60 rolls of toilet paper every day. Stop by and see what we do!!

    Campers Canoeing     Camp Respite Schedule Announced!
    Easter Seals Camping and Recreation Program announces Fall 2008 and Spring 2009 Respite Dates and Locations! Don't miss out on the exciting themed events. Sign up today by completing application.

    Clare on golf cart     AgrAbility Project Helps Clare Count Calves
    The Tennessee AgrAbility Project is a cooperative effort of the University of Tennessee Agricultural Extension Service and Easter Seals Tennessee. Clare is thrilled to have received a golf cart through the program.

    Camper Julian     Camping and Recreation Fun!
    Eleven year-old James enjoys new activities at the Easter Seals summer camp program. "I love swimming and I go on the slide," he shares.

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