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For release: Aug. 23, 1999

Tom Barton, Director, (515) 294-2770
Steve Karsjen, Public Affairs, (515) 294-5643

Ames Lab employees will attend sessions reinforcing security needs

AMES, Iowa -- Employees at the U.S. Department of Energy's Ames Laboratory will attend training sessions this week that will reinforce the department's security requirements.

Under a directive by Energy Secretary Bill Richardson, all DOE facilities must conduct security immersion activities by the end of August to enhance security training and education. Immersion activities are being tailored to reflect the needs and situations of each DOE facility. Laboratories involved in national-security and nuclear-weapons research were the first to carry out the directive. Ames Laboratory does not conduct classified research.

The security immersion activities at Ames Lab are constructed as 1.5-hour training sessions covering topics such as property protection, computer security and export controls, said Lab Director Tom Barton. The sessions will be offered at various times throughout the week so that all employees can attend, but will not interfere with the normal operation of the Lab.

"It's a good opportunity to remind employees that, even though we don't conduct classified research, we must take appropriate precautions to safeguard our data and our technologies," Barton said.

The energy secretary mandated the department-wide training as part of sweeping security reforms. "I'm ordering this action to ensure that DOE is doing everything possible to protect America's secrets and sensitive technologies," Richardson said.

Ames Laboratory is operated for the DOE by Iowa State University. The Lab conducts research into various areas of national concern, including energy resources, high-speed computer design, environmental cleanup and restoration, and the synthesis and study of new materials.

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