Past CDC Seminars: 2005

Note: All seminars were at the David Skaggs Research Center unless specifically noted otherwise. A list of current CDC seminars is also available.


If you are interested in giving a seminar here, please contact

Date Title Speaker Time/Room
12 January, 2005 No Seminar (Week of the AMS Meeting)

2 February, 2005 Characterizing convective sensitivity to the large-scale: What and how do parcels entrain?

Richard Neale, CDC 2 PM/1D 403

Refreshments at 1:50

2 March, 2005 Applications of Generalized Stability Theory to the Ocean Circulation Andrew Moore, University of Colorado 2 PM/1D 403

Refreshments at 1:50

16 March, 2005 Regional and global constraints on modeled hydrologic processes provided by new isotopic measurements

David Noone, PAOS, University of Colorado 2 PM/1D 403

Refreshments at 1:50

23 March, 2005 Feasibility of a 100 year Reanalysis Using Only Surface Data Gil Compo, CDC 2 PM/1D 403

Refreshments at 1:50

6 April, 2005 A survey of ensemble forecast calibration techniques using reforecast data

Tom Hamill, CDC 2 PM/1D 403

Refreshments at 1:50

20 April, 2005 Impact of the Indian Ocean dipole on atmospheric subseasonal variability

Toshiaki Shinoda, CDC 2 PM/1D 403

Refreshments at 1:50

27 April, 2005 The dynamical link between the troposphere and stratosphere - Understanding the role of this link for past and future climate changes

Judith Perlwitz, NASA 2 PM/1D 403

Refreshments at 1:50

2 May, 2005 NOTE: Special Monday Seminar !

NOTE: Date Change !

The impact of climate forecast uncertainty on water resources operations and management

Shaleen Jain, CDC 2 PM/1D 403

Refreshments at 1:50

11 May 2005 Thermodynamic Triggering Mechanism of ENSO -- A Coupled Model Study

Ping Chang, Texas A&M University 2 PM/1D 403

Refreshments at 1:50

18 May 2005 Extending the atmospheric bridge paradigm: the role of Ekman transport and air-sea interaction in summer

Michael Alexander, Climate Diagnostics Center 2 PM/1D 403

Refreshments at 1:50

25 May 2005
NO SEMINAR (Spring AGU Meeting)

8 June 2005

15 June 2005 The Annual Cycle and El Niño Termination

Gabriel Vecchi, UCAR Visiting Scientist -- GFDL 2 PM/1D 403

Refreshments at 1:50

22 June 2005 Operational Flood Forecasting for Bangladesh

Thomas Hopson, PAOS, Univeristy of Colorado, Boulder 2 PM/1D 403

Refreshments at 1:50

29 June 2005 Self-maintaining Eddy-driven Jets

Walter Robinson, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 2 PM/1D 403

Refreshments at 1:50

5 October 2005 Spatio-Temporal Variability of the North American Monsoon

Balaji Rajagopalan,
University of Colorado
2 PM/1D 403

Refreshments at 1:50

12 October 2005 How the West Was Warmed

Martin Hoerling,
2 PM/1D 403

Refreshments at 1:50

19 October 2005 Tropical Atlantic SST Forcing of Coupled NAO-SST Tripole Responses

Shiling Peng,
2 PM/1D 403

Refreshments at 1:50

2 November 2005 Change of the Tropical Hadley Cell and Tropical Oceanic Warming

Xiao-Wei Quan,
2 PM/1D 403

Refreshments at 1:50

9 November 2005 Mechanisms of large-scale wave organization in cloud resolving models

Stefan Tulich,
2 PM/1D 403

Refreshments at 1:50

16 November 2005 Ensemble Data Assimilation with the NCEP GFS

Jeffrey Whitaker,
2 PM/1D 403

Refreshments at 1:50

Date Title Speaker Time/Room
21 November 2005

The seminar by Chirstopher Anderson has been cancelled

30 November 2005 Surface Temperature Patterns and Lapse Rates: Implications for Water Resources and Studies of Mountain Climate Change

Jessica Lundquist,
2 PM/1D 403

Refreshments at 1:50

7 December 2005 Storm Tracks and Extreme Weather: A Dynamical Perspective on Climate Change and Its Impacts

Jeffrey Yin, NCAR 2 PM/1D 403

Refreshments at 1:50

14 December 2005 Tropical-Extratropical Pacific Decadal Variability

Matt Newman,
2 PM/1D 403

Refreshments at 1:50

22 December 2005 Note: Special Thursday Seminar

Impacts of the Atlantic Warm Pool on Western Hemisphere Climate

Chunzai Wang,
2 PM/1D 403

Refreshments at 1:50