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NEWTON, DEP's Educational BBS

Newcomers Assistance Office

Research Opportunities for Undergraduate & Graduate Students

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Argonne National Laboratory


The staff of the Newcomers Assistance Office would like to welcome you to Argonne.  This office was created to provide assistance and information to scientists and short-term visitors from abroad.  We feel however the information provided by our office is valuable for all newcomers to Argonne .  Although our focus is on helping foreign nationals we invite everyone to contact us should the need arise.  Many aspects of life in the US will be unfamiliar at first.  In addition to making decisions and adjustments, language barriers may present even more difficulties.  Perhaps we can put you in touch with someone to address your concerns. 

Our main activities include:

  • Providing welcome packages with information. Included are:
    • Information sheets on housing, shopping, maps
    • Brochures on area attractions
  • Providing information on housing options and profiles of many apartment complexes in the area.
  • Sponsoring social events
    • Monthly Coffee Mornings for those accompanying visiting scientists, small children are always welcome
    • Occasional events for visitors and their families
  • Providing volunteer-led English as a Second Language (ESL) classes

All foreign nationals arriving at Argonne should have a welcome package from our office waiting for them upon their arrival.  If this is not the case, please notify our office and we will be happy to provide one for you.  To make our job easier and to ensure that we are meeting the needs of newcomers to Argonne , we ask that you complete and return the questionnaire enclosed in the Welcome Package. 

All the contributors to this guide did their best to assure that the information is correct and that the sections cover the most important topics.  However, Argonne National Laboratory and its employees cannot be held liable for errors or omissions in this guide.  Although the guide is updated periodically, there may be changes to laws, rules, addresses, numbers and procedures at any time.  Please check with the appropriate institutions and confirm the information found here.     

Contact us at 630-252-8647 or by email at

Our hours are limited, so just leave a message and we will get back to you as soon as possible. We are open Mondays from 2-5 PM and Wednesday and Thursday mornings from 9:30-12:30.

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