
The iPeek service offers an up-to-the-minute view of many of the instruments at the NIST Center for Neutron Research. Data is updated as it comes off the instrument, and pushed to the browswer every minute.


The instrument status page can be embedded in other pages:
Cell 1,1 Cell 1,3
Cell 2,1 Cell 2,2 Cell 2,3

Here is how it was done:

<iframe src="http://www.ncnr.nist.gov/ipeek/ipeek.html?id=BT7&format=linear" 
  width="720" height="540" frameborder="0"> </iframe>
Replace BT7 with the desired instrument when you use this.

Controlling remote display

The decision of whether the data should be available on the web should be left to the user of the instrument. We provide a Tcl/Tk script for this purpose.

Download remotepeek.tcl to the instrument. Add this to a binary directory on the instrument control computer. After downloading change the file permissions using

chmod a+x remotepeek.tcl
Start the program using, for example,
remotepeek.tcl BT7
where BT7 is the instrument identifier. The instrument AND/R uses CG1 as the code, others use the three letter acronyms listed on the page.

The remote peek application shows a Tcl/Tk window with a simple on/off button. Click 'off' to stop data from being tranferred to the iPeek server, or 'on' to enable it. Please note that the toggle does not take effect until the next data point is written. Note also that this will only work from some computers, not from anywhere on the net. The impatient can simply browse to:

with the appropriate three letter instrument code in place of INSTRUMENT.