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2008 Health and Wellness Forum

The California Department of Developmental Services, in collaboration with the Association of Regional Center Agencies and the University of California, San Diego School of Medicine presents the:

2008 Health & Wellness Forum
San Diego, California
September 24-26, 2008

This year's conference will be focusing on autism, genetics, early intervention, risk management, and special populations. Twenty-five different workshops will be offered, concentrating on topics such as assistive technology, effective and ineffective treatments, expanded screening in genetics, co-occurring medical conditions common to certain syndromes, and nutrition. The interactive reception and poster session provides attendees with the opportunity to speak directly with project partners.

If you'd like to be on the mailing list for future conferences or if you need any additional information, please contact Emily Woolford by e-mail ewoolfor@dds.ca.gov or by phone at (916) 654-2048.

Last Updated: 8/14/2008