Welcome to the California Department of Developmental Services
DDS Logo California Department of Developmental Services
1600 9th Street
P. O. Box 944202
Sacramento, CA 94244-2020
Info: (916) 654-1690
TTY: (916) 654-2054

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Maintenance and Service Occupational Trainees

The Department of Developmental Services is looking for people who want to be a Maintenance and Service Occupational Trainees (MSOT). A Maintenance and Service Occupational Trainee is a state employee that gets on-the-job training at a developmental center. People in these jobs do the following kinds of things:

Graphic of a Young Woman Cleaning Furniture
  • Sweep
  • Mop
  • Dust
  • Clean Carpet
  • Stock Supplies
  • Wash Windows
  • Vacuum
  • Use Supplies

People working as a Maintenance and Service Occupational Trainees are appointed for up to 9 months while they get on-the-job training so they can take a test to become a Custodian. Pay starts at $1,899 per month. People who want these jobs must be able to learn to do the job safely, follow directions, work well with others, and read English.

To apply for a job, mail a State of California application to each developmental center where you want to work by OCTOBER 3, 2008.

If you have any questions, call the person on the list at the state developmental center closest to you. If you need help with your application, ask a friend, family, or someone you trust to help.


Last Updated: 9/2/2008