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Office of Public Affairs
111 TASF
Ames, IA 50011-3020

For release: April 11 , 2007

Steve Karsjen, Public Affairs, 515-294-5643
Denise Schippers, Sauer-Danfoss, 515-956-5773


$1,000 donation given to support science and math competitions

AMES, Iowa –Sauer-Danfoss, Inc. of Ames presented a check for $1,000 to the 2007 Science Bowl program, which is sponsored by the U.S. Department of Energy’s Ames Laboratory and Iowa State University. Matt Bendler, Human Resources director for the Americas Region, presented the check to Steve Karsjen, Ames Laboratory/ISU Science Bowl coordinator, on April 10.

In presenting the check, Bendler said how pleased Sauer-Danfoss was to join in supporting a program that reaches out to excite young people about science and math. “The Science Bowl program is a great way for Sauer-Danfoss to support the development of science and math skills in a very fun and competitive environment.” Bendler explained. “We’re very proud to be part of this event.”

Science Bowl consists of both high school and middle school events. The 17th annual High School Science Bowl was held January 27, 2007, and brought 48 teams (240 students) from across Iowa to ISU to compete in the one-day science and math competition. The fourth annual Middle School Science Bowl will be held on Friday and Saturday, April 13-14, 2007, also at ISU.

The middle school competition is a two-day event that combines a hydrogen fuel-cell car race and an academic quiz bowl. Sixteen Iowa teams (80 students) compete in the Middle School Science Bowl.

Sauer-Danfoss presents check
Matt Bendler (left) of Sauer-Danfoss presents Ames Laboratory’s Steve Karsjen with a check for $1,000 in support of the Ames Laboratory/ISU Science Bowl program.

Winners of the Regional Science Bowl competitions receive an all-expense-paid trip to their respective National Science Bowl, sponsored by the Department of Energy.

Sauer-Danfoss is the eighth major corporate partner to sponsor the Science Bowl program. Sauer-Danfoss is a worldwide leader in the design, manufacture and sale of engineered hydraulic, electric and electronic systems and components, for use primarily in applications of mobile equipment. Sauer-Danfoss, with approximately 9,000 employees worldwide, has sales, manufacturing and engineering capabilities in Europe, the Americas and the Asia-Pacific region.

Ames Laboratory, celebrating its 60th anniversary in 2007, is operated for the Department of Energy by Iowa State University. The Lab conducts research into various areas of national concern, including energy resources, high-speed computer design, environmental cleanup and restoration, and the synthesis and study of new materials.


Note to editors: For a copy of the check presentation photo, contact Kerry Gibson at 515-294-1405.


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