Real-time Satellite Data at GHCC


GVAR Ground Station GHCC operates and maintains a GOES GVAR direct readout ground station ( GTI Electronics and DirectMet by GST, Inc.). This data stream feeds operational and research activities at GHCC, many of them conducted by the Infrared Research Group (see other pages). All real-time GOES 8 data transmitted by the satellite is ingested and made available to the public (including 1 km visible data!) through the World Wide Web and anonymous ftp site in a variety of forms (JPEG, GIF, HDF, and McIDAS AREAS).

Real-time GOES 8 data web page
See schedule of GOES missing data

GOES Information:

General Satellite Information GSFC-NASA or NOAA-NESDIS
Schedules and Scan Sectors
GHCC GOES Imager and Sounder Products

GHCC is also a host site for GOES 8, GOES 10, GMS, METEOSAT, and FY2 geostationary satellite data which is acquired from other internet sources. This data is processed and served to the public in JPEG, GIF, HDF, and McIDAS AREA formats.

Real-time geostationary satellite data web page.

Other Geostationary Satellite Information:


We produce a number of geophysical parameters derived from geostationary satellite in real-time to support ongoing research. You can access these real-time products below.

Real-time land surface temperature, surface insolation, surface albedo and precipitable water from the GOES-8 Imager and land surface temperature and precipitable water from the GOES-8 Sounder (test mode but take a look!) Real-time products from GOES-8

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Technical Contact: Dr. Gary J. Jedlovec (
Responsible Official: Dr. James L. Smoot (
Page Curator: Diane Samuelson (

Last updated on: January 22, 2002