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Lockeford Plant Materials Center Publications

Updated 08/13/2008

The Lockeford Plant Materials Center has published the following documents to solve specific resource conservation needs. Click on the document title to view each document.

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Publication Types
Technical Notes
Plant Guides
Information Brochures and Flyers
Plant Materials Progress Report of Activities
PMC Annual Technical Report
Miscellaneous Popular Articles
Progress Report
Release Notices
Other Publication Types

Technical Notes

Technical Note 5: Basic seed data supporting NRCS vegetative guides (2nd revision). (PDF; 125 KB) Bishop, G. and W. Bunter. 1999. USDA-NRCS Lockeford Plant Materials Center, Lockeford, CA. Jun. 1999. 16p. (ID# 150)

Techincal Note 16: Seed dilution with rice hulls. (PDF; 146 KB) USDA-NRCS Lockeford Plant Materials Center. 1996. USDA-NRCS Lockeford Plant Materials Center, Lockeford, CA. CA-TN 16, Mar. 1996. 2p. (ID# 1628)

Technical Note 34: PLS - What is it and how can we use it?. (PDF; 13 KB) Slayback, R.D. 1994. USDA-NRCS Lockeford Plant Materials Center, Davis, CA. Mar. 1994. 2p. (ID# 2705)

Technical Note 35: Testing plant materials & cultural methods in the field. (PDF; 10 KB) Slayback, R.D. 1994. USDA-NRCS Lockeford Plant Materials Center, Davis, CA. CA-TN 35, Mar. 1994. 2p. (ID# 2707)

Technical Note 36: Determining viability of soil seed banks after wildfires. (PDF; 30 KB) Dyer, D. 1995. USDA-NRCS Lockeford Plant Materials Center, Lockeford, CA. CA-TN 36, Jan. 1995. 7p. (ID# 691)

Technical Note 37: Seeding rates and germination of selected species. (PDF; 690 KB) Bishop, G. 1994. USDA-NRCS Lockeford Plant Materials Center, Lockeford, CA. CA-TN 37, May 1994. 2p. (ID# 151)

Technical Note 38: Restoring Mojave Desert farmland with native shrubs. (PDF; 684 KB) Slayback, R.D. 1994. USDA-NRCS Lockeford Plant Materials Center, Davis, CA. Jul. 1994. 6p. (ID# 2706)

Technical Note 39: Effectiveness of annual and perennial grasses and legume species for early emergence and erosion control. (PDF; 1.3 MB) Bishop, G. 1995. USDA-NRCS Lockeford Plant Materials Center, Lockeford, CA. CA-TN39, Aug. 1995. 18p. (ID# 152)

Technical Note 40: Vegetative guide to selected native grasses. (PDF; 2.4 MB) Bishop, G. 1996. USDA-NRCS Lockeford Plant Materials Center, Lockeford, CA. CA-TN40, Mar. 1996. 78p. (ID# 153)

Technical Note 42: Propagation of wetland plants for wetland restoration in the Centeral Sierra Nevada Mountains. (PDF; 620 KB) Owens, J. and D. Dyer. 1996. USDA-NRCS Lockeford Plant Materials Center, Lockeford, CA. CA-TN42, Apr. 1996. 6p. (ID# 2285)

Technical Note 43: Salvage of native sod for wetland restoration in the Central Sierra Nevada Mountains. (PDF; 270 KB) Owens, J. and D. Dyer. 1996. USDA-NRCS Lockeford Plant Materials Center, Lockeford, CA. CA-TN43, Jun. 1996. 3p. (ID# 2286)

Technical Note 44: Transplanting willow root wads for stream restoration in the Central Sierra Nevada Mountains. (PDF; 330 KB) Owens, J. and D. Dyer. 1996. USDA-NRCS Lockeford Plant Materials Center, Lockeford, CA. CA-TN44, Jul. 1996. 3p. (ID# 2287)

Technical Note 45: Field planting summary Marana four-wing saltbrush. (PDF; 290 KB) Slayback, R.D. and D. Dyer. 1997. USDA-NRCS Lockeford Plant Materials Center, Lockeford, CA. CA-TN45, Jun. 1997. 5p. (ID# 2709)

Technical Note 46: Glossary of terms for use on native species issues. (PDF; 1.8 MB) Gibbs, J. and D. Dyer. 1996. USDA-NRCS Lockeford Plant Materials Center, Lockeford, CA. CA-TN46, Sept. 1996. 20p. (ID# 873)

Technical Note 47: Tree planting conservation education projects. (PDF; 290 KB) Ramirez, R.G. and D. Dyer. 1997. USDA-NRCS Lockeford Plant Materials Center, Lockeford, CA. CA-TN47, Jun. 1997. 4p. (ID# 2475)

Technical Note 48: Organic processing tomatoes in Yolo County: Moving Towards Sustainability. (PDF; 38 KB) Lee, J., Woodland Field Office staff, and D. Dyer. 1997. USDA- NRCS Lockeford Plant Materials Center, Lockeford, CA. CA-TN48, Jan. 1997. 10p. (ID# 1596)

Technical Note 49: Native grasses and clear water: Restoration of the Grass Valley Creek Watershed Trinity County, California. (PDF; 540 KB) Sandifer, D.S. and D. Dyer. 1997. USDA-NRCS Lockeford Plant Materials Center, Lockeford, CA. CA-TN49, Jun. 1997. 5p. (ID# 2579)

Technical Note 50: Final Report: Windbreak planting in the Antelope Valley RC&D Nursery. (PDF; 136 KB) Bishop, G. 1997. USDA-NRCS Lockeford Plant Materials Center, Lockeford, CA. CA-TN50, Sept. 1997. 2p. (ID# 154)

Technical Note 51: Hand crimping straw mulch on critical area planting sites provides superior results. (PDF; 180 KB) Owens, J., K. Christensen, and D. Dyer. 1997. USDA-NRCS Lockeford Plant Materials Center, Lockeford, CA. CA-TN51, Sept. 1997. 2p. (ID# 2289)

Technical Note 52: Legume species for erosion control in the Central Sierra Nevada Mountains. (PDF; 770 KB) Owens, J. and D. Dyer. 1997. USDA-NRCS Lockeford Plant Materials Center, Lockeford, CA. CA-TN52, Sept. 1997. 8p. (ID# 2288)

Technical Note 53: Index of Plant Materials Technical Notes from the western United States. (PDF; 2.9 MB) Dyer, D. 1998. USDA-NRCS Lockeford Plant Materials Center, Lockeford, CA. CA- TN53, Jul. 1998. 19p. (ID# 695)

Technical Note 55: Germination responses and boron accumulation in germplasm from Chile and USA Grown with Boron Enriched Water. (PDF; 336 KB) Banuelos, G.S., H.A. Ajwa, L. Caceres, and D. Dyer. 1999. USDA-NRCS Lockeford Plant Materials Center, Lockeford, CA. CA- TN55, Mar. 1999. 23p. (ID# 103)

Technical Note 56: What you can ask for from the USDA-NRCS California Plant Materials Program. (PDF; 48 KB) Dyer, D. 1999. USDA-NRCS Lockeford Plant Materials Center, Lockeford, CA. CA-TN56, Jun. 1999. 2p. (ID# 696)

Technical Note 57: Landscaping With Fire Resistant Plants. (PDF; 973 KB) Dyer, D. 2000. USDA-NRCS Lockeford Plant Materials Center, Lockeford, CA. CA-TN57, Jan. 2000. 19p. (ID# 600)

Soil Sequestration of Carbon and Biomass-to-Ethanol. (PDF; 27 KB) D.Dyer. 2000. Lockeford PMC, Lockeford, CA. TN-58. 3p. (ID# 7716)

Technical Note 60: Review of Information Manual "Riparian Vegetation Management for Pierces Disease in North Coast California Vineyards. (PDF; 291 KB) Dyer, D., North Coast Pierce Disease Task Force Staff. 2001. USDA-NRCS Lockeford Plant Materials Center, Lockeford, CA. TN-60. 46p. (ID# 503)

Technical Note 61: Erosion Control Effectiveness of Vegetative Practices After the 1993 Southern California Wildfires. (PDF; 3.5 MB) Dyer, D., G. Bishop, J. Grim, and W. Sheldon. 2001. USDA-NRCS Lockeford Plant Materials Center, Lockeford, CA. CA-TN61, Aug. 2001. 110p. (ID# 502)

Technical Note 62: Soil Quality Improvement Using Mycorrhiza Inoculation and its Effects on the Propagation of California Native Plants. (PDF; 77 KB) Dyer, D. 2001. USDA-NRCS Lockeford Plant Materials Center, Lockeford, CA. TN-62. 3p. (ID# 489)

Technical Note 63: Soil Quality Improvement Using Worm Castings and its Effects on Propagation of Conservation Plants. (PDF; 46 KB) Dyer, D. 2001. USDA-NRCS Lockeford Plant Materials Center, Lockeford, CA. TN-63. 2p. (ID# 496)

Technical Note 65: Vegetative Control of Medusahead. (PDF; 55 KB) Dyer, D. 2001. USDA- NRCS Lockeford Plant Materials Center, Lockeford, CA. TN-65. 2p. (ID# 497)

Technical Note 67: Review of Poster "Status of field trials evaluation perennial grasses for rangeland soil carbon sequestration and bio-mass conversion to fuel potential". (PDF; 11 KB) Dyer, D. and E. Beardsley. 2003. USDA-NRCS Lockeford Plant Materials Center, Lockeford, CA. 9-1-2003. 1p. (ID# 5044)

Technical Note 68: Guidelines for Native Plant Use. (PDF; 299 KB) Francis, Ann and D. Dyer. 2003. USDA-NRCS Lockeford Plant Materials Center, Lockeford, CA. 9-1-2003. 22p. (ID# 5045)

Technical Note 69: Review of poster "Biomass production and nutritional value of salt-tolerant forages irrigated with saline-sodic drainage water: field and greenhouse studies". (PDF; 322 KB) Benes, S., H. Suyama, P. Robinson, G. Getachew, C. Grieve, and S. Grattan. 2004. publication by: California State University, Fresno, Lockeford, CA. CA-69. 8p. (ID# 5803)

Technical Note 70: Review of paper "Napa River Flood Management Project - Willow and Cottonwood Revegetation". (PDF; 269 KB) Blake, P. 2004. USDA-NRCS Napa Field Office, Lockeford, CA. TN-70, Sept. 2004. 7p. (ID# 5782)

Technical Note 71 Percent Cover and Height Data for RUSLE2. (PDF; 26 KB) D.Dyer. 2005. Lockeford PMC, Lockeford, CA. Feb. 2005. 4p. (ID# 5884)

Technical Note 72 Publications Used to Create Native Landscapes in California. (PDF; 33 KB) Ilona Smith. 2005. Lockeford CA, Lockeford, Ca. TN-72, Feb 2005. 3p. (ID# 5882)

Technical Note 73 Tulelake Inter-Center Strain Trail. (PDF; 25 KB) D.Dyer and D. Moore. 2005. Lockeford CA, Lockeford, CA. TN-73, Feb. 2005. 3p. (ID# 5883)

Use of the SLEWS and FARMS Programs. (PDF; 32KB) Susan Douglas. 2006. Lockeford PMC, Lockeford, CA. TN-74. 5p. (ID# 6545)

Elkhorn Slough Watershed Grass Performance Conservation Field Trial Results. (PDF; 867 KB) Cheryl Lambert. 2008. Lockeford PMC, Lockeford, CA. PM TechNote 75. 10p. (ID# 7880)

'Perla' Koleagrass (Phalaris aquatica) and 'Berber' Orchardgrass (Dactylis glomerata) Establishment Field Trial. (PDF; 112 KB) Erik Ross. 2008. Lockeford PMC, Lockeford CA. PM TechNote 76. 4p. (ID# 7881)

Native American Plant Resource Hedgerow Establishment. (PDF; 25 KB) David Dyer. 2008. Lockeford PMC, Lockeford, CA. PM TechNote 78. 400p. (ID# 7882)

The Potential of Mycorrhiza Use in Improving Grass Performance. (PDF; 449 KB) David Dyer. 2008. Lockeford PMC, Lockeford CA. PM TechNote 79. 15p. (ID# 7883)

Plant Guides

Big Saltbush Plant Guide. (PDF; 166 KB) Dyer, D. and R. O'Beck. 2005. USDA-NRCS National Plant Data Center, Davis, Ca. April 2005. 2p. (ID# 5870)

Fourwing Saltbush Plant Guide. (PDF; 179 KB) Dyer, D. and R. O'Beck. 2005. USDA-NRCS Idaho State Office and Aberdeen Plant Materials Center, Davis, CA. April 2005. 4p. (ID# 5869)

Plant Guide: Greenleaf Manzanita (Arctostaphylos patula). (PDF; 180 KB) Dyer, D. and R. O'Beck. 2005. USDA-NRCS National Plant Data Center and Santa Barbara Botanic Garden, Davis, CA. April 2005. 3p. (ID# 5871)

Information Brochures and Flyers

Coastal SoCal Native Palnt Hedgerows and Windbreaks. (PDF; 182 KB) Casey Burns. 2007. Somis , CA field office staff, Casey Burns, Somis, CA. June 2007. 1p. (ID# 7365)

Invasive Species Activities at the Lockeford PMC. (PDF; 190 KB) D.Dyer. 2006. Lockeford PMC, Lockeford, CA. 1. 2p. (ID# 7718)

Wildfire Risk Reduction and Recovery Tips for Homeowners. (PDF; 2.4 MB) Munda, B., D.G. Ogle, D. Dyer, and S.M. Lambert. 2002. USDA-NRCS Tucson Plant Materials Center, Phoenix, AZ. Jun. 2002. 19p. (ID# 1969)

Lockeford Plant Materials Center: Improving plants for conservation. (PDF; 4.4 MB) USDA- NRCS Lockeford Plant Materials Center. 1989. USDA-NRCS Lockeford Plant Materials Center, Davis, CA. 16p. (ID# 1623)

Plant Materials Progress Report of Activities

Lockeford PMC 2006 Progress Report of Activities. (PDF; 396 KB) D.Dyer. 2008. Lockeford PMC, Lockeford CA. 07. 4p. (ID# 7719)

Lockeford PMC Progress Report of Activities. (PDF; 398 KB) D.Dyer. 2005. Lockeford PMC, Lockeford, CA. 2004. 4p. (ID# 5960)

2000 Activity Report. (PDF; 28 KB) USDA-NRCS Lockeford Plant Materials Center. 2001. USDA-NRCS Lockeford Plant Materials Center, Lockeford, CA. Feb. 2001. 13p. (ID# 1633)

PMC Annual Technical Report

Lockeford PMC 2004 Annual Technical Report. (PDF; 1.3 MB) Dyer, D. 2005. USDA NRCS Lockeford Plant Materials Center, Lockeford, CA. 2004. 151p. (ID# 5429)

2003 Technical Report. (PDF; 1.6 MB) D.Dyer. 2003. Lockeford PMC, Lockeford CA. 2003. 61p. (ID# 7720)

Lockeford PMC 2002 Annual Technical Report. (PDF; 1 MB) Dyer, D. 2003. USDA-NRCS Lockeford Plant Materials Center, Lockeford, CA. 2002. 71p. (ID# 4566)

Lockeford Plant Materials Center 1984-1990 Technical Report. (PDF; 3.6 MB) USDA-NRCS Lockeford Plant Materials Center. 1991. USDA-NRCS Lockeford Plant Materials Center, Lockeford, CA. Oct. 1991. 91p. (ID# 1624)


Central Coast Plants. (PDF; 148 KB) Cheryl Lambert. 2007. NRCS, Salinas CA. V-1, Issue 1. 2p. (ID# 7043)

Central Coast Plants 2. (PDF; 146 KB) Cheryl Lambert. 2007. NRCS, Salinas, Salinas, CA. Vol. 1 Issue 2. 2p. (ID# 7302)

Outreach at the PMC. (PDF; 650 KB) Pedro Torres. 2007. NRCS, Riverside CA. Nov. 2006. 1p. (ID# 7044)

Inside Outreach. (PDF; 181 KB) D.Dyer. 2006. Lockeford PMC, Davis CA. 16. 2p. (ID# 7717)

Golden State Plant News, April 1998. (PDF; 22 KB) USDA-NRCS Lockeford Plant Materials Center. 1998. USDA-NRCS Lockeford Plant Materials Center, Lockeford, CA. Apr. 1998. 1p. (ID# 1609)

Golden State Plant News, August 1998. (PDF; 22 KB) Dyer, D. 1998. USDA-NRCS Lockeford Plant Materials Center, Lockeford, CA. Aug. 1998. 2p. (ID# 693)

Golden State Plant News, March 1997. (PDF; 32 KB) USDA-NRCS Lockeford Plant Materials Center. 1997. USDA-NRCS Lockeford Plant Materials Center, Lockeford, CA. Vol. 2(2). 3p. (ID# 1630)

Golden State Plant News, November 1997. (PDF; 24 KB) USDA-NRCS Lockeford Plant Materials Center. 1997. USDA-NRCS Lockeford Plant Materials Center, Lockeford, CA. Vol. 2(3). 2p. (ID# 1631)

Golden State Plant News, November 1996. (PDF; 280 KB) USDA-NRCS Lockeford Plant Materials Center. 1996. USDA-NRCS Lockeford Plant Materials Center, Lockeford, CA. Vol. 2(1). 2p. (ID# 1625)

Miscellaneous Popular Articles

Technology Activities at the Lockeford Plant Materials Center: 2000 Update. (PDF; 13 KB) Dyer, D. 2000. USDA-NRCS Lockeford Plant Materials Center, Lockeford, CA. Jan. 2000. 3p. (ID# 698)

Native plant industry future is high quality. (PDF; 10 KB) Sundstom, C. and G. Bishop. 1996. USDA-NRCS Lockeford Plant Materials Center, Lockeford, CA. Nov. 1996. 2p. (ID# 2987)

Progress Report

2003 Lockeford PMC and PM Program Activity Report. (PDF; 380 KB) Dyer, D. and T. Espinosa. 2003. USDA-NRCS Lockeford Plant Materials Center, 4p. (ID# 4568)

Evaluation of herbaceous plantings. (PDF; 27 KB) USDA-NRCS Lockeford Plant Materials Center. 1997. USDA-NRCS Lockeford Plant Materials Center, Lockeford, CA. Jan. 1997. 4p. (ID# 1629)

Planting plan for field planting, special planting, or increased planting. (PDF; 10 KB) USDA- NRCS Lockeford Plant Materials Center. 1996. USDA-NRCS Lockeford Plant Materials Center, Lockeford, CA. Dec. 1996. 2p. (ID# 1626)

Release Notices

Notice of Release of Saltgrass for Major Land Resource Area 17f Selected Class of Natural Germplasm LK 517f Germplasm. (PDF; 54 KB) Dyer, D. 2001. USDA-NRCS Lockeford Plant Materials Center, Lockeford, CA. Aug. 2001. 3p. (ID# 494)

Notice of Release: Duro California buckwheat (Erogonum fasciculatum). (PDF; 66 KB) USDA- NRCS Lockeford Plant Materials Center. 1983. USDA-NRCS Lockeford Plant Materials Center, Lockeford, CA. 2p. (ID# 1618)

Notice of Release: Berber orchargrass (Dactylis glomerata). (PDF; 276 KB) USDA-SCS and California Agricultural Experiment Station. 1981. Soil Conservation Service and California Agricultural Experiment Station., Lockeford, CA. 2p. (ID# 3147)

Other Publication Types

Republic of Congo International Assignment. (PDF; 276 KB) D.Dyer. 2008. Lockeford PMC, Lockeford, Ca. 11-26-2007. 30p. (ID# 7649)

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