About the Arctic Theme Page
The Arctic Theme Page is a rich and comprehensive resource
linking to widely distributed data and information, from
research institutions throughout the world, focused on the
Arctic. Available information includes relevant data, graphics,
and forecasts, including historical perspectives and in-depth
analyses. Also included are a selection of Essays
by Arctic experts on key issues in the Arctic. The audience
for the Arctic Theme Page is wide, including scientists,
students, teachers, decision makers and the general public.
The Arctic Theme Page was sponsored by NOAA's Arctic
Research Office (ARO) and developed at NOAA's Pacific
Marine Environmental Laboratory. The Arctic Theme Page was developed by Eugene Burger,
Tracey Nakamura, and Ruth Curl, and is coordinated by Nancy Soreide.
Dr. James E. Overland (NOAA/PMEL) and John Calder (NOAA/ARO) are
the science advisors for the website. Three NOAA Arctic websites
are sponsored by NOAA's Arctic Research
Questions or comments should be addressed to arctic.webmaster@noaa.gov.