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Prescription Drug Coverage - General Information

Part D Claims Data

This page contains information on Part D claims data for the purposes of research, analysis, reporting, and public health functions. These data will also be used to better identify, evaluate and measure the effects of the Medicare Modernization Act of 2003, (MMA).  For anyone interested in requesting Part D for research purposes, please click on the Research Data Assistance Center (ResDAC) link below for more information.

Click the selection that best matches your area of interest.  Please check back, as we will continue to update these resources regularly.


CMS Guide to Requests for Part D Claims Data (v08.11.08) [PDF, 439KB]

Medicare Program; Medicare Part D Claims Data (CMS-4119-F) [PDF, 275KB]

Part D Data Regulation Side-by-Side Comparison of the Proposed and Final Rule [PDF, 18KB]

Fact Sheet - Final Medicare Part D Data Regulation (CMS-4119-F) [PDF, 60KB]

Questions and Answers on Obtaining Prescription Drug Event (PDE) Data [PDF, 32KB]

PDE Data Elements [PDF, 31KB]
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Page Last Modified: 08/15/2008 11:24:50 AM
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