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Home > Health LibraryPrevention & WellnessI > Immunization

Search Results 11–20 of 56 Web Pages | < Previous | Next > | Show All | See Categories and Related Topics
Diphtheria, Tetanus, and Pertussis Vaccines  External Links Disclaimer Logo
Also available in: Chinese-Traditional Hmong Japanese Khmer/Cambodian Korean Laotian Samoan Spanish Thai Vietnamese  External Links Disclaimer Logo
Diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis are serious diseases caused by bacteria. ... Details >
Immunization Action Coalition
Directory of Immunization Resources  External Links Disclaimer Logo
This page links to numerous references on immunization.... Details >
Immunization Action Coalition
Eliminate Disparities in Adult & Child Immunization Rates
The gap between immunization rates in minority and white populations has been narrowed, but there are still disparities among many racial, ethnic, and underserved populations, especially among adults.... Details >
Office of Minority Health (CDC)
Hepatitis A Vaccine  External Links Disclaimer Logo
Also available in: Chinese-Traditional Hmong Japanese Khmer/Cambodian Korean Laotian Samoan Spanish Thai Vietnamese  External Links Disclaimer Logo
Hepatitis A is a serious liver disease caused by the hepatitis A virus (HAV). HAV is found in the stool of persons with hepatitis A. It is usually spread by close personal contact and sometimes by eat... Details >
Immunization Action Coalition
Hepatitis B Vaccine  External Links Disclaimer Logo
Also available in: Chinese-Traditional Hmong Japanese Khmer/Cambodian Korean Laotian Samoan Spanish Thai Vietnamese  External Links Disclaimer Logo
Hepatitis B virus is spread through contact with the blood and body fluids of an infected person.... Details >
Immunization Action Coalition
How Vaccines Prevent Disease
Most vaccine-preventable diseases are caused by germs that are called viruses or bacteria.... Details >
National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Immunization Action Coalition: Free Online Publications for Patients and Clinicians  External Links Disclaimer Logo
This Web site lists free health education materials on immunization for babies, children, teens, and adults, in addition to general immunization materials and information for specific diseases.... Details >
Immunization Action Coalition
Immunization Publications Page - Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Contains surveillance guidelines for vaccine-preventable diseases, information statements, and articles on consumer vaccination misconceptions designed for the health professional.... Details >
National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Immunizations - General Information - Adults  External Links Disclaimer Logo
This page links to resource materials on general information about adults’ immunizations. The page also provides an alert on what should be done if someone has a reaction to a vaccine.... Details >
American Association for Respiratory Care
Immunizations - General Information - Kids  External Links Disclaimer Logo
This page links to resource materials on general information about kids’ immunizations. Links cover schedule, vaccination additives, safety of multiple vaccinations, and more.... Details >
American Association for Respiratory Care

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