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Osborne Reef Tire Removal Program Links

Press Release (PDF, 34KB)

Media Coverage Links:

Tire Reef Plan Goes Flat in Florida
(contains link to video story)

Divers Removing Failed Tire Reef Project
Boston Globe

Tire Reef Blunder

Divers Removing Failed Tire Reef Project
Chicago Tribune,1,3478325.story?coll=chi-newsnationworld-hed

Florida Officials Try to Shield Coral Reefs
Fox News,4670,CoralReefs,00.html

Pollution, Ships Threaten Coral Reefs
Officials Try to Protect Florida's Threatened Coral Reefs From Pollution, Ships, Fishing
ABC News.Com


Images of the Salvage Tire Removal Effort:

Diver LT Russell Destremps from the Army Dive Company, Ft. Eustis, VA, explains the tire salvage project to newspaper and TV reporters.

Tim Keeney, Deputy Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Oceans and Atmosphere and a Coastal America Principal, dives the artificial tire reef.

Truckloads of tires are being salvaged from the ocean floor.

The Army Landing Craft El Caney hauls bundles onboard and transports trailers of tires to Port Everglades where they are offloaded and trucked to Georgia for processing.

Divers from the Army, Navy, Navy Reserves and Coast Guard all worked hand-in-hand during the June 2007 tire salvage effort.  Joint services projects implemented through the DoD Innovative Readiness Training (IRT) program allow different services to work together in a training setting, better preparing them for joint missions in theatre.

Photo Credit: William Nuckols

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This page was updated
Wednesday, 27-Jun-2007 16:22:38 EDT