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Media Room

SIPA marketing and communications is a joint effort between SIPA, Colorado Interactive and Eligible Governmental Entities. has a dedicated marketing executive who leads the marketing and communications initiative.  Therefore, the Marketing and Communication Plans are adopted from the 2007 Portal Business Plan.

Marketing Plan

Successful online applications and services for government do not just happen; they require the user focus and marketing efforts that traditional products and services receive.  Although the methods may differ from traditional products, Colorado Interactive has a historical precedent of portal marketing experience gained through 20 other state portal marketing experiences.  Colorado Interactive will provide portal marketing and promotion expertise to:

  • Strengthen the brand awareness of and its offerings
  • Increase the adoption of online services
  • Analyze customer feedback and usage data to improve services.

To accomplish these goals, SIPA and Colorado Interactive will use a variety of methods, including traditional marketing (advertising, press releases, news conferences, radio actualities) and direct marketing (opt-in email, newsletters, trade group visits), with the support and coordination of Eligible Governmental Entity Agreements.

Communications Plan

The purpose of the Communications Plan is to lay a basic foundation for communication among stakeholders through proactive education and input gathering, leading to the creation of a portal that serves citizens and businesses in the very best way possible.  This plan identifies key stakeholders and rationale for communicating with them, and it lays a foundation and tactics for future communications.