Trans-NIH Research Opportunities in Pediatrics


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Air date: Friday, September 12, 2008, 10:00:00 AM
Category: OPASI Rounds
Description: OPASI ROUNDS Lecture Series

Dr. Alexander will discuss a number of new and emerging opportunities for pediatric research existing at NIH and offering the potential for collaborative research for many Institutes. They originate from new or revised legislation as well as from Roadmap initiatives. This presentation will focus on a number of these opportunities, including the National Children’s Study, Newborn Screening, Best Pharmaceuticals for Children, Pediatric Medical Devices, the Biomarkers Consortium and Clinical and Translational Science Awards.

The Office of Portfolio Analysis and Strategic Initiatives (OPASI) provides the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and its constituent Institutes and Centers (ICs) with the methods and information necessary to manage their large and complex scientific portfolios, identifies – in concert with multiple other inputs – important areas of emerging scientific opportunities or rising public health challenges, and assists in the acceleration of investments in these areas, focusing on those involving multiple ICs.
Author: Duane Alexander
Runtime: 00:59:01
CIT File ID: 14637
CIT Live ID: 6757
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