Hawai‘i State Department of Health
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The following is a list of permits issued by Environmental Management Division branches. For additional information contact the branch at the number provided.

Clean Air Branch
  1. Agricultural burning permit
  2. Covered stationary source air permit
  3. Noncovered stationary source air permit
  4. Contact: (808) 586-4200

Clean Water Branch
  1. Clean Water Act, Section 402, National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permits

    1. NPDES Individual Permit
    2. NPDES Notices of General Permit Coverage are issued under the following NPDES General Permits which may be found in Hawaii Administrative Rules, Chapter 11-55, Appendices B through L:

      Appendix B Storm water associated with industrial activity
      Appendix C Storm water associated with construction activities
      Appendix D Treated effluent from leaking underground storage tank remedial activities
      Appendix E Once through cooling water less than one (1) million gallons per day
      Appendix F Hydrotesting waters
      Appendix G Construction activity dewatering effluent
      Appendix H Treated process wastewater associated with petroleum bulk stations and terminals
      Appendix I Treated process wastewater associated with well drilling activities
      Appendix J Occasional or unintentional discharges from recycled water systems
      Appendix K Storm water and certain non-storm water discharges from small municipal separate storm sewer systems (small MS4s)
      Appendix L Circulation water from decorative ponds or tanks

  2. Clean Water Act, Section 401 Water Quality Certification

  3. Water Quality Certification
    Contact: (808) 586-4309
Safe Drinking Water Branch
  1. Underground Injection Control (UIC) permit
    Contact: (808) 586-4258
Solid and Hazardous Waste Branch
  1. Office of Solid Waste Management Program

  2. Solid Waste Section

  3. Underground Storage Tank (UST) Program

    1. Permit required for regulated underground storage tanks installed after January 28, 2000.
      Contact: (808) 586-4226

  4. Hazardous Waste Program
    1. Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) Part B permits for the treatment, storage and disposal of hazardous wastes.
      Contact: (808) 586-4226
Wastewater Branch

No Permits
Contact: (808) 586-4294