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Research Spotlight

Cover of ACRF expansion report

The Future of ACRF

Following an October 2007 User Workshop, this report was developed to document ideas about how ACRF might expand and enhance its observational network for providing data to improve climate models. Topics covered include: new fixed site locales; two more mobile facilities; expansion of the Aerial Vehicles Program; and a number of enhancements related to data products.

Research Spotlight

Cover - U.S. Interagency Arctic Research Policy Committee Report

ACRF Campaign on Cover

An image collage representing the Mixed-Phase Arctic Cloud Experiment graces the cover of the latest report from the U.S. Interagency Arctic Research Policy Committee and includes contributions from the ARM Climate Research Facility's North Slope of Alaska sites. The report, Arctic Observing Network (AON): Toward a U.S. Contribution to Pan-Arctic Observing , pinpoints where and how different Federal agencies are collecting environmental data as part of the implementation of the Study of Environmental Arctic Change (SEARCH).

Research Spotlight

Cover of ACRF report

Archive User's Meeting

This report summarizes the ACRF Data Archive's user group meeting this fall in Reston, Virginia. Included in the report is feedback provided to the Archive on its interface design and suggestions for improving the Archive.

The Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) Program Science Team are major contributors to radiation and cloud research. ARM sponsored investigators publish about 150 refereed journal articles per year, and ARM data are used in many studies published by other scientific organizations. In addition, the annual ARM Science Team Meeting attracts 250 to 300 attendees, with over 200 posters representing recently-completed or ongoing science projects. Proceedings from the Science Team meeting are then published on the website. These documented research efforts represent tangible evidence of ARM's contribution to advances in almost all areas of atmospheric radiation and many areas of cloud research.

Many other documents are prepared by members of the ARM Program to help guide the direction of the program and track progress. These publications include planning documents, status reports, and conference presentations.

ARM also develops public information materials to communicate the purpose and objectives of the program to general audiences, while ARM's Education and Outreach center focuses on providing learning materials for classrooms and the communities that host ARM's field research sites.