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NCAR Climate Analysis Section Data Catalog

Japanese Meteorological Agency (JMA):
Upper air and surface data sets from the JMA global analyses, reanalysis and derived products. This data is also known as the twenty-five year Japanese Reanalysis, JRA25.

European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasting (ECMWF):
Upper air and surface data sets from the ECMWF global analyses and derived products.

National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP, formerly the National Meteorological Center):
Upper air data sets from the NCEP global operational analysis and reanalysis and derived products.

Atmospheric Mass, Moisture, and Energy Budget products:
Derived products from JMA, ECMWF, and NCEP/NCAR Reanalyses.

Satellite Data:
Data sets from a number of satellites.

Surface Data:
Surface data sets from a number of sources.

Climate Indices:
Climate related indices such as NAO, NP, and SOI.

Oceanography related data sets.

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Please contact John Fasullo if you have any questions about the CAS Data Catalog.

Background and other Information

Links to Related Data Catalogs:

The NCEP/NCAR Reanalysis Home Page at the NOAA/CIRES Climate Diagnostics Center

To the Climate and Global Dynamics Division Home Page
To the National Center for Atmospheric Research Home Page

To the Climate Analysis Section Home Page