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Partnership for a Nation of Learners
Community Collaboration Grants

Beginning with the FY 2007 grant cycle, applicants for Partnership for a Nation of Learners Community Collaboration Grants can file their applications online through Read more

Application forms and guidelines for the current fiscal year are made available approximately 90 days before the grant deadline. Until that time, applications and guidelines from the previous year are available for your reference, but you must use the current fiscal year application when you apply.
2006 Application and Guidelines (PDF, 397KB)
2006 Fill-In Forms (PDF, 297KB)



Grant Amount:


Grant Period:




Program Contact:

Susan Malbin, Senior Program Officer
Phone: 202-653-4768

Janet M. Ciciarelli, Program Specialist
Phone: 202/653-4798

Program Overview
Curently, details of the FY2007 Community Collaboration Grant program have not been finalized. Check back for information and updates on this program.

The Partnership for a Nation of Learners is a leadership initiative of the Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB) and the Institute of Museum and Library Services, formed in 2004. It encourages libraries, museums and public broadcasters to work collaboratively to address local needs, increase civic engagement and improve the quality of life in communities across the country. The initiative includes a competitive grant program, professional development activities, and online resources, available at

All types of libraries, except federal and forprofit libraries, may apply. Eligible libraries include public, school, academic, special, private (not-for-profit), archives, library agencies, library consortia, and library associations. In addition, research libraries and archives that give the public access to services and materials suitable for scholarly research not otherwise available and that are not part of a university or college are eligible. Digital libraries that make library materials publicly available and provide services including selection, organization, description, reference, and preservation under the supervision of at least one permanent professional staff librarian are eligible to apply. Institutions of higher education, including public and not-for-profit universities and colleges, also are eligible. An academic unit, such as a graduate school of library and information science, may apply as part of an institution of higher education. Library applicants may apply individually or as partners.

Museums that fulfill the Eligibility Criteria for Museums may apply. Private not-for-profit museum services organizations or associations that engage in activities designed to advance the well-being of museums and the museum profession also may apply. In addition, institutions of higher education, including public and not-for-profit universities, are eligible.

Public broadcasting applicants and official partners must be noncommercial television or radio licensees that currently receive an annual CPB Community Service Grant (CSG). Applicants will be required to provide their CSG identification numbers. More information is available at

Applicants may prepare and submit multiple proposals in a given fiscal year. However, the same proposal may not be submitted under more than one category. Applying to one grant program does not preclude applying to another. See Program Guidelines for specific eligibility criteria.

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