U.S. International Transactions Accounts Data

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Today's Date: September 17, 2008     Release Date: June 17, 2008     Next Release Date: September 17, 2008
Earliest Quarter Revised on June 17, 2008: 1974:I

Table 1. U.S. International Transactions
[Millions of dollars, seasonally adjusted]
Line (Credits +; debits -) 1 2007 2008
  Current account  
1 Exports of goods and services and income receipts 572,182 602,122 638,393 650,808 653,728
2     Exports of goods and services 385,436 399,951 424,873 435,465 454,271
3         Goods, balance of payments basis2 270,318 279,488 295,494 303,180 317,813
4         Services3 115,118 120,463 129,378 132,285 136,458
5             Transfers under U.S. military agency sales contracts4 4,629 4,000 3,881 3,542 4,068
6             Travel 21,818 23,154 25,241 26,499 26,848
7             Passenger fares 5,800 5,996 6,530 7,259 7,188
8             Other transportation 12,076 12,639 13,081 13,790 14,922
9             Royalties and license fees5 18,991 19,866 21,940 21,817 22,267
10             Other private services5 51,508 54,521 58,396 59,058 60,850
11             U.S. government miscellaneous services 296 288 309 320 314
12     Income receipts 186,746 202,171 213,520 215,343 199,457
13         Income receipts on U.S.-owned assets abroad 186,013 201,434 212,774 214,587 198,700
14             Direct investment receipts 83,391 89,673 94,953 100,259 97,094
15             Other private receipts 102,063 111,187 117,275 113,774 100,831
16             U.S. government receipts 559 574 546 554 775
17         Compensation of employees 733 737 746 756 757
18 Imports of goods and services and income payments -738,938 -771,262 -783,548 -788,264 -798,877
19     Imports of goods and services -564,979 -578,770 -592,986 -609,248 -629,191
20         Goods, balance of payments basis2 -473,681 -485,375 -496,698 -512,099 -528,845
21         Services3 -91,298 -93,395 -96,288 -97,149 -100,346
22             Direct defense expenditures -7,915 -8,085 -8,132 -8,688 -8,783
23             Travel -18,538 -18,849 -19,247 -19,533 -20,324
24             Passenger fares -6,721 -6,979 -7,422 -7,364 -8,051
25             Other transportation -16,022 -16,767 -17,119 -17,142 -17,864
26             Royalties and license fees5 -6,643 -6,260 -6,155 -5,991 -6,209
27             Other private services5 -34,444 -35,437 -37,145 -37,350 -38,032
28             U.S. government miscellaneous services -1,016 -1,018 -1,069 -1,081 -1,082
29     Income payments -173,959 -192,492 -190,562 -179,016 -169,686
30         Income payments on foreign-owned assets in the United States -171,560 -189,991 -188,045 -176,436 -167,125
31             Direct investment payments -33,128 -40,620 -35,243 -25,424 -30,244
32             Other private payments -99,373 -107,963 -110,898 -108,281 -94,103
33             U.S. government payments -39,059 -41,408 -41,904 -42,731 -42,778
34         Compensation of employees -2,399 -2,501 -2,517 -2,580 -2,561
35 Unilateral current transfers, net -30,174 -24,953 -27,796 -29,784 -31,227
36     U.S. government grants4 -10,567 -5,611 -7,109 -9,950 -10,158
37     U.S. government pensions and other transfers -1,805 -1,834 -1,837 -1,849 -1,954
38     Private remittances and other transfers6 -17,802 -17,508 -18,850 -17,985 -19,116
  Capital account  
39 Capital account transactions, net -543 -112 -617 -571 -597
  Financial account  
40 U.S.-owned assets abroad, excluding financial derivatives
     (increase/financial outflow (-))
-442,065 -523,556 -170,476 -153,757 -286,627
41     U.S. official reserve assets -72 26 -54 -22 -276
42         Gold7 0 0 0 0 0
43         Special drawing rights -43 -39 -37 -35 -29
44         Reserve position in the International Monetary Fund 212 294 230 285 112
45         Foreign currencies -241 -229 -247 -272 -359
46     U.S. government assets, other than official reserve assets 445 -596 623 -22,744 3,346
47         U.S. credits and other long-term assets -608 -1,405 -182 -279 -228
48         Repayments on U.S. credits and other long-term assets8 1,091 687 780 1,546 601
49         U.S. foreign currency holdings and U.S. short-term assets -38 122 25 -24,011 2,973
50     U.S. private assets -442,438 -522,985 -171,045 -130,990 -289,697
51         Direct investment -66,706 -93,616 -62,043 -110,905 -85,608
52         Foreign securities -99,541 -84,671 -100,317 -4,202 -38,826
53         U.S. claims on unaffiliated foreigners reported by U.S.
             nonbanking concerns
-46,048 -134,713 80,012 100,043 53,644
54         U.S. claims reported by U.S. banks, not included elsewhere -230,143 -209,985 -88,697 -115,926 -218,907
55 Foreign-owned assets in the United States, excluding financial
     derivatives (increase/financial inflow (+))
692,713 718,112 266,476 380,402 410,962
56     Foreign official assets in the United States 163,270 88,822 13,469 145,497 173,501
57         U.S. government securities 121,640 61,641 -7,788 54,837 167,682
58             U.S. Treasury securities9 40,337 1,610 -25,810 42,728 88,647
59             Other10 81,303 60,031 18,022 12,109 79,035
60         Other U.S. government liabilities11 366 -69 913 4,132 1,792
61         U.S. liabilities reported by U.S. banks, not included elsewhere 30,329 15,956 9,873 52,537 -26,906
62         Other foreign official assets12 10,935 11,294 10,471 33,991 30,933
63     Other foreign assets in the United States 529,443 629,290 253,007 234,905 237,461
64         Direct investment 14,026 61,862 105,908 55,746 46,627
65         U.S. Treasury securities 42,882 -13,522 67,406 60,059 68,932
66         U.S. securities other than U.S. Treasury securities 183,507 310,340 -30,486 110,489 -20,115
67         U.S. currency -6,165 -1,635 655 -3,530 -914
68         U.S. liabilities to unaffiliated foreigners reported by U.S.
             nonbanking concerns
90,061 122,476 55,599 -111,846 57,185
69         U.S. liabilities reported by U.S. banks, not included elsewhere 205,132 149,769 53,925 123,987 85,746
70 Financial derivatives, net 14,795 -1,007 5,942 -13,234 n.a.
71 Statistical discrepancy (sum of above items with sign reversed) -67,970 656 71,627 -45,600 52,638
71a     Of which: Seasonal adjustment discrepancy 12,192 722 -21,805 8,892 9,512
72 Balance on goods (lines 3 and 20) -203,363 -205,887 -201,204 -208,919 -211,032
73 Balance on services (lines 4 and 21) 23,820 27,068 33,090 35,136 36,112
74 Balance on goods and services (lines 2 and 19) -179,543 -178,819 -168,114 -173,783 -174,920
75 Balance on income (lines 12 and 29) 12,787 9,679 22,958 36,327 29,771
76 Unilateral current transfers, net (line 35) -30,174 -24,953 -27,796 -29,784 -31,227
77 Balance on current account (lines 1, 18, and 35 or lines 74, 75, and 76)13 -196,930 -194,093 -172,952 -167,241 -176,376


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Last updated: Tuesday, June 17, 2008