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County NewsToday is  September 16, 2008
County Clerk Announces Completion Of Voter Cancellation Process
Bernalillo County Clerk Maggie Toulouse Oliver announced today that her office completed the process of removing 16,500 inactive voters from the County voter rolls. The process was directed by the Bernalillo County Board of Registration.
“This process was initiated by law, under the National Voter Registration Act, to ensure the accuracy of the County voter registration rolls,” says Clerk Toulouse Oliver. “Voters who have not voted in the last four major election cycles and who were not able to be contacted via official mailings from the County Clerk or Secretary of State became eligible for removal earlier this year.” 
“Maintaining an accurate voter registration database is crucial in order to ensure elections are administered properly,” said Ms. Toulouse Oliver.  “Voters who have been inactive for the time specified are removed following the strict guidelines set forth by state and federal law in a uniform and non-discriminatory manner.”
Any voter concerned about their registration status can call the Bernalillo County Clerk’s Office at (505) 468-1291 or visit online at
Members of the Board of Registration are appointed by the County Commission for two-year terms.
2007-2009 Members:  Cecilia C. De Baca (R), John Doran (D) – Chair, Giovanna Rossi (D)
2007-2009 Alternates: Ryan Cangiolosi (R), Ted Cloak (D)                  
Secretary to the Board –  Maggie Toulouse Oliver (D) County Clerk
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Admin. Meeting
 9/09/08 at 5:00 pm

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