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Industry Marketing and Promotion
Lamb Promotion and Research Program  
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The Lamb Promotion, Research, and Information Order (Order) is established under the Commodity Promotion, Research, and Information Act of 1996 [7 U.S.C. 7411-7425; Public Law 104-127]. A referendum is mandated by the act and requires that the Secretary of Agriculture conduct a referendum either prior to its going into effect or within three years after assessments first begin under an order. The order provides that the referendum be held within three years after assessments first begin. On April 1, 2005, the USDA announced the continuation of the Lamb Promotion, Research, and Information Order. Lamb producers, feeders, seedstock producers and first handlers of lamb and lamb products participating in a national referendum from Jan. 31 through Feb. 28, 2004, voted in favor of the order.

Of the 3,490 valid ballots cast, 2,807, or 80 percent, favored the program; while 683, or 20 percent opposed. Additionally, of those persons who cast valid ballots in the referendum, those who favored the continuing of the program accounted for 84 percent of the total production voted, and those opposed accounted for 16 percent of the total production voted. The program became effective on April 11, 2002. Assessments began July 1, 2002.

News Releases - Lamb Program  

Federal Rules and Regulations - Lamb  
None at this time.

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  Lamb Promotion and Research Order - PDF  
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See Also
  Beef Program  
  Pork Program  
  Soybean Program  
  Sorghum Program  
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  Last Modified Date: 04/04/2008