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Office of the Inspector General

Office of Management

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The Assistant Inspector General for Management (AIG/M) establishes and maintains a transparent and fully integrated administrative infrastructure for administrative services, budget formulation and execution, financial management, human resources, information technology, policy preparation, planning and reporting for the OIG. Multi-faceted, this organization provides business services to individuals within and outside the OIG.

Organizational Structure

Administrative Services
Budget and Financial Management
Human Resources
Information Technology

Administrative Services oversees the acquisition, maintenance, and disposition of all OIG material assets. The office coordinates the procurement of goods and services for the OIG and directs all logistics support for the organization. This support includes travel management, credentials, records management and disposal, facilities and space management, issuance of OIG-wide policy, safety issues, and physical and information security for OIG offices nationwide.

Budget and Financial Management formulates, presents, and executes OIG integrated financial and performance plans. The office coordinates financial management services to the OIG. The budget formulation function comprises the development, justification and presentation of future year budget requests to the Department, Office of Management and Budget, and Congress. Through budget execution, annual funding allocations are determined, spending patterns are tracked and analyzed, and reports are produced on the use of resources both internally and externally.

Human Resources provides and/or oversees a complete range of human resources and payroll services to employees throughout the OIG. This includes operational functions such as recruitment and staffing; position classification and management; employee relations and performance management; training, awards and recognition; employee development; benefits; personnel actions processing; and payroll processing, as well as human capital strategic planning and policy.

Information Technology manages all OIG information technology (IT) systems and resources. This includes ensuring electronic infrastructure sufficiency and the proper planning, acquisition, installation, support, maintenance, and security of hardware, software, and voice and data telecommunications. IT management also includes the development of strategic/operational plans, policies, and procedures.

The Office of Management ensures a quality-working environment throughout the OIG by providing seamless administrative support.