Voices for Recovery
Nancy O'Brien's Story

When I was finally arrested six and a half months pregnant and the judge set bail at $40,000 I knew I wasn't going home. I was relieved, at least I knew the baby would be okay. I had been using against my own will. Everyday I would wake up and say I'm going to go to this meeting and by noon I would convince myself that one beer couldn't hurt the baby. Then off to the races, and I hated myself for it.
For me leaving the hospital after giving birth in shackles is what it took to convince myself that I could never drink like other people. Fourteen months of mandated residential treatment with my infant son set the foundation.
Losing my law license as a result of that conviction has now catapulted me into a career in treatment services for ex-offenders. I've been reunited with my other children, speak on prisoners issues, volunteer in jails and make recovery and family the utmost priority. Those weren't policemen they were angels!

Elmont, , New York

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