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Albuquerque - Official City Website

Daily Aquarium Activities and Feeding Times

Summertime brings all sorts of opportunities to explore marine life at the Aquarium. Visit a touchpool to find out about ocean invertebrates or watch divers at work in the Ocean Tank.

Touchpool   top

Docents bring out an aquarium full of spineless critters (invertebrates) and show how their curious forms help them live their watery lives. You will also get a chance to touch these fascinating creatures.

When: Programs may take place any day of the week, between 10am and 2pm. Times vary, and are dependent on volunteers' schedules.

Where: Inside aquarium


Divers in the Shark Tank   top

Diver feeding sea turtleEvery day of the year (except for the 3 days we're closed), aquarium staff dive into the 285,000 gallon Shark Tank to do daily chores and maintenance.

When: Between 2pm and 3pm

Where: the Shark Tank (large tank with seating)





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