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USA Freedom Corps Partnering to Answer the President’s Call to Service

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Office of the CEO


House Committee Passage of Bipartisan National Service Reauthorization


Dear National Service Colleagues:

We’re pleased to report that earlier today the House Education and Labor Committee approved a bipartisan reauthorization bill for the Corporation for National and Community Service and its programs.

After accepting a handful of amendments, the Committee voted 44-0, with two members voting “present,” to report the Generations Invigorating Volunteering and Education (GIVE) Act to the full House of Representatives for its consideration.

The bipartisan bill (H.R. 2857) was introduced yesterday by Rep. Carolyn McCarthy, Chairwoman of the House Healthy Families and Communities Subcommittee, along with the Subcommittee’s Ranking Member Rep. Todd Platts. The bill is a comprehensive reauthorization package that includes many proposals consistent with the Administration’s principles on reauthorization released last month. This bill is a strong step forward that will allow the Corporation to operate more efficiently, be more responsive to state and local needs, leverage more resources, and mobilize more citizens to meet pressing needs. Of course, we continue to have some concerns and understand that there will be differing views among various elements of the national service family, and we look forward to a healthy discussion of all of these issues as the process continues to unfold.

In his opening statement, Committee Chairman George Miller noted the proven success and measurable accomplishments of national service programs in meeting local needs and outlined how the bill “will strengthen these programs so that they can continue their mission and expand their reach into more hard-to-serve communities.” Click here to read a copy of his opening statement.

Rep. Howard McKeon, the Committee’s Ranking Member, highlighted the Corporation’s significant improvements in efficiency, quality, and accountability, including efforts to streamline the grants reporting and application process, technology upgrades, and other financial and management reforms. “This program brings together our neighbors to serve one another – and thus, strengthen our nation… The bottom line is the Corporation plays a key and increasingly effective role in – as President Bush would say – rallying the armies of compassion.” Click here to read his opening statement.

The bill language is not yet available online. In addition, the bill as introduced yesterday has changed because the Committee used a substitute bill as the basis for today’s markup that was slightly different than the bill as introduced, and because the Committee approved several amendments in today’s markup. The Committee expects to have the substitute and the other amendments on its website at in the next two days. As details emerge, we will share them with you as soon as possible via email and we will post reauthorization documents and links on our legislation page at

In Service,

David Eisner


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