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About CERTs

Steering Committee

Anne E. Trontell, MD, MPH

Dr. Trontell is the Director of the CERTs Program in AHRQ's Center for Outcomes and Evidence, where she also participates in program activities of the Effective Health Care Program's DEcIDE Network. A pediatrician and epidemiologist, Dr. Trontell has expertise in many aspects of FDA drug review, including the conduct and oversight of drug safety risk assessment, risk communication, and risk management activities. She developed and led these activities within the FDA Office of Drug Safety, and prior to that, conducted IND and NDA drug reviews of pulmonary and allergy drug products in the FDA Office of New Drugs. Before coming to the FDA, Dr. Trontell was Chief Scientist in the Office of Research and Demonstrations at the Health Care Financing Administration (HCFA), where she conducted and supervised outcomes research on preventive services use by Medicare beneficiaries, and also managed a national public health campaign promoting the Medicare mammography benefit. She was an Epidemic Intelligence Service Officer in the Office on Smoking and Health in the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and also conducted and managed contract research projects on the carcinogencity, mutagenicity, and teratogenicity of environmental chemicals. Dr. Trontell was trained at Princeton University (A.B. in Biology), the Harvard School of Public Health (MPH in Health Policy and Management), the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, and The Children's Hospital in Boston (internship and residency). Dr. Trontell holds the rank of Captain in the Commissioned Corps of the US Public Health Service.

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